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Dont usually post on here but was wondering if im an okay poker player or a bad one, only been 18 for 8ish months now have won a few tournaments and did ok in one UKOPS main but usually only playing 2.30 5.75 BH at my level am i any good? thanks
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I can confirm that you are indeed Ok.
Well done.
Merry Christmas.
you both seem to play few games but the same 22:40 tournament regularly. friday 4 dec must have been a good night when one of you cashed and the other won.
sean, do you use the same pc?
you're now there sean. did your son tell you what has just happened while you were out? did you kill him?
wait a minute....
things dont add up. jacob starts thread at 1:15pm. then logs out. logs in to posts several posts from 1:30pm for 10 minutes as coco, his father. then realises he has done so and says his dad will kill him. he logs out of the coco account and back into jacob account and posts more.
later coco posts about his son.
but who was playing the 1:30pm BH as coco?
I'm going to close this thread guys, it's getting out of hand, & The Business won't allow trial by Community.
If anyone has concerns as to player behaviour, please report it to Customer Care, who will pass it to the relevant Dept in Sky Poker, & they will then decide if further investigation is required.
I will send the Thread upstairs.