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End time for earning priority points in a month?

edited December 2015 in Priority
What time/date do priority points stop being earned for the month 1355 off priority, and also I have to make sure im stood up from all tables before this time? Thank in advanced!!! 


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    edited December 2015

    Morning Barratt.

    I'll find out for sure & get back to you (or JP will reply) but I would assume the total is struck between 00.01 1st of the month, & 23.59 on the last day of the month, (in January's case 31st).
    The other point is you make very important though - for points to be counted in a specific day (say, last day of the month) you MUST stand before midnight. Failing that, they get carried forward to the next day.
    So if you earned 1,000 points on the 31st in an unbroken session, & played through midnight without standing, your points total for that day would be ZERO.
    I assume you only have to "stand" briefly - leave all tables, log off (belt & braces...) & then log back on & continue, that'll do the job.

    Good luck.
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