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Could I have played this hand better?
Saturday Main £33 bounty. I was doing well and ahead of average stack. Could I have played this differently? Should I have just checked the river or would that be missing value in most cases? Should I have called it off? Especially when the A hit I thought that there were plenty of 2 pair hands or sets that would shove or would they have been more likely to just check it down? Look forward to your help. Hope its posted OK.
Hand History #988907214 (21:43 09/01/2016)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxxxxSmall blind 125.00125.004415.00thislteduBig blind 250.00375.009123.75 Your hole cards87 xxxxxFold xxxxxFold xxxxxCall 250.00625.004270.00xxxxxCall 250.00875.004935.00xxxxxxCall 125.001000.004290.00thislteduCheck Flop J510 xxxxxCheck thislteduCheck xxxxxCheck xxxxxxCheck Turn 9 xxxxxCheck thislteduBet 500.001500.008623.75xxxxxFold xxxxxCall 500.002000.004435.00xxxxxFold River A thislteduBet 1000.003000.007623.75xxxxxAll-in 4435.007435.000.00thislteduCall 3435.0010870.004188.75thislteduShow87 xxxxxShowKQ xxxxxWinStraight to the Ace10870.00 10870.0
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PS, well done last weekend
Verdict - Cooler!