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When I first started to play after watching poker after dark I always remenber what doyl brunson once said, he said he would happily go all in with a flush draw on the flop so i used to do this very thing every time i had four of a kind on the flop i would push all in, it did not take to long to realise this was suicide and i lost loads and couldnt understand how someone so high in hold em rated this play, anyway this brings me to my tilt this evening, in the open placed 66 i hit trip queens me with Q 10 villan with j 7 D the flop came QD QS 6D he bet 2500 i pushed all in 15000 did not want the flush draw !!! he called (23000) my reconing he should have folded getting only around 15% to hit the river so im on tilt I thought that at this stage in the open the fish would have gone or have i got it all wrong and he did a great call?
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Interesting discussion....
Think the answer here is very different in cash games and tournaments.
Aggro in tournys is always gonna be the best way to go over time. Especially in later stages, and when the blinds are big in relation to your stack size, moving in on flush draws is gonna be a strong play.
In cash, I think its very much table dependant. Its an area Ive gone wrong in the past, and have looked at recently when trying to up my game.
The thing that always catches me, is when I flop a flush draw, and a pair. Eg, I have King 9 diamonds, and the flop comes ace, 9, 3, with 2 diamonds. - Theres a raise into me, what to do here?? So often in the past ive been willing to get my money in here, believing I have 14 outs twice. The move will work on a tight table alot of the time. However when I get called, Im usually crushed by 2 pair/set, which immediately reduces my number of outs, and Im always facing a redraw. I lost alot of pots doing this...
Same situation, on a loose, crazy table. Im gonna get called down alot with top pair, even here, I believe Im still an under-dog,or at least it's close, and Im racing for stacks against players who will pay me off if Im patient and wait for strong hands playing abc stuff!
Playing the flush draws passively, ie, calling to hit, is hard to get paid when the flush comes also, as its so obvious and staring the guy in the face, so the only way ur gonna get paid is having built up a krazy, aggro image, or if the bloke is holding a flush too, or even taking a chance to draw to a fh!
Flush draws! - Alot easier to play for me in tournys than deep stacked cash games.! Give me an open ender neday
Was it the nut fd on a an unpaired board scouse? Getting huge odds to draw to the nuts. - What stage of the tourny/stack sizes etc needed to make a give a proper opinion, but in genral, shoving/raising rather than calling is my preferred option.
Gd fold.
I had 79 spades large stack who won the pot (zippy) had 56 spades i didnt want to put my tourny on the line with such a weak hand. But my point is maybe if i had them all covered i would have pushed myself but the guy with top pair who got knocked out really started giving abuse even to me and i folded. The guy with top pair could have just put a big raise in and folded to the all in he had 25 big blinds so i think it was bad play by him.