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Only ONE thing can beat us tonight......

edited February 2010 in Sky Poker Tournaments


Look, I know we are the best, I know we rule, OK?, & I know we can only beat what's put in front of us.

But apathy cost us last week - most of the Team tikayers, assuming Victory was a formality, failed to play. And look what happened - it allowed Rich to steamroller his way into 1,235th place in a 1,401 runner field in which 400 players never showed up. And A-J Donk was an impressive but predictable 690th.

We have to WALK as well as TALK, so TKO-ers, all you have to do tonight is turn up. The rest is a mere formality.


  • edited February 2010

    Yes. US!!

    Is that the best you got? Give it up Grandad. 

    (Love you Shnookums) xxx

  • edited February 2010
    Fear not El Cappo....Roulette fortunes the BRAVE!!

    We do NOT
    skimper off to visit with our American Cousins in the height of battle
    We do NOT blindly lead our team into the temptations of envy, pride & boastfulness

    We do NOT post speeches that take longer to read than the game to complete
    We do NOT
    walk under the shadow of 666
    We do NOT give up!!!!

    We play as one...where one man (woman or animal) falls, another WILL follow

    (and we'll keep on fighting Team LML til the end)
    Boom boom boom boom


  • edited February 2010
  • edited February 2010
    Excellent speach Trip5.  I agree with you 100%.  I think Team Tikay has been quiet on the Forum because we are all busy people, rather than the retired elderly persons we are portrayed to be by the opposition.  But still waters run deep and I'm sure we'll rally around our leader this evening.

    Jan x
  • edited February 2010
    nice one trip5. but some how we need to make sure all our players are there tonight?????? COME ON U TIKAYERS
  • edited February 2010

    Played well .... Then Bad ..... then Well..... Then Got Donked out last week, Looking for a better result this week (although the format is not a Tikayers Specialty) 

    TEAM TIKAY, Get the Job done Tonight and it should be all over after next weeks game !!!! 

  • edited February 2010
    pffft HAHAHAHAHAHA you lot have no chance, ace you do have one thing right tho after team lml's victory tonight it will be all over after next weeks game when we thrash you agen.....

    and dont you old timers call it 'N'apathy!!!!! you do love your naps....

    if you hadent noticed im back from hospital and ready for a fight....... sword in hand i will slay many tikayers tonight to please my queen....
  • edited February 2010
    Pfft. I'll sorta quote the great General Zod - "We win. We always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge us?"
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Only ONE thing can beat us tonight......:
    In Response to "ONLY ONE THING CAN BEAT US TONIGHT..." Yes. US!! Is that the best you got? Give it up Grandad.  (Love you Shnookums) xxx
    Posted by LML
    Enough with the Americans already, Sky Poker (on earth) calling Lisa...Time to focus on the dubbing you're all about to recieve, for which Team LML shall be grateful, very, very grateful!!!  lol


  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Only ONE thing can beat us tonight......:
    Played well .... Then Bad ..... then Well..... Then Got Donked out last week, Looking for a better result this week (although the format is not a Tikayers Specialty)  TEAM TIKAY, Get the Job done Tonight and it should be all over after next weeks game !!!! 
    Posted by ACESOVER8s

    You're 'aving a larf, int ya?

    It's only because of luckbox events like this that Team Tikay fluked TKO I.
  • edited February 2010

    Nice to see you can join us again this week Vince :)
  • edited February 2010
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Only ONE thing can beat us tonight......:
    Pfft. I'll sorta quote the great General Zod - "We win. We always win. Is there no one on this planet to even challenge us?"
    Posted by NoseyBonk
    Er, hate to rain on your parade Elliot, but didn't Zod end up having his hand crushed by Superman? 

    It's ok though- I don't think Team Tikay noticed. Given their average age I expect many of them steer clear of those new-fangled 'talkies' and colour films, let alone a movie released as recently as 1980.
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Only ONE thing can beat us tonight......:
    In Response to Re: Only ONE thing can beat us tonight...... : Er, hate to rain on your parade Elliot, but didn't Zod end up having his hand crushed by Superman?  It's ok though- I don't think Team Tikay noticed. Given their average age I expect many of them steer clear of the those new-fangled 'talkies' and colour films, let alone a movie released as recently as 1980.
    Posted by RICHORFORD
    Yyyeah but details schmetails.... they won't know that! That lot are too busy watching Will Hay's 'new' release....
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Only ONE thing can beat us tonight......:
    In Response to "ONLY ONE THING CAN BEAT US TONIGHT..." Yes. US!! ...
    Posted by LML
  • edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: Only ONE thing can beat us tonight......:
    In Response to Re: Only ONE thing can beat us tonight...... : Enough with the Americans already, Sky Poker (on earth) calling Lisa...Time to focus on the dubbing you're all about to recieve, for which Team LML shall be grateful, very, very grateful!!!  lol x
    Posted by TRIP5
    thankyou for the beating we received, were very grateful ;)
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