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Calling 3b multi-way with KQ

edited February 2016 in Cash Strategy
Unknown oppos and I'd only been for a couple of hands.

Slightly larger open given someone sat and posted blinds.

Didn't think 4b bluff warranted against two unknown recs but felt I couldn't fold for such a small 3bet.

Should I be raising flop with top pair?  Feels like I'm bloating the pot and driving out most hands I beat, hence the call.

As played, is the turn a snap fold? I know I give too much credit to people multi-way and need to work on that. Giving BB a turn range of QT, KJ, AK, JJ, 99, KK, 55 and K9s.  SB obviously wider range, although 3b and double barrel puts AA/AK/KK/KQ/KJ near the top of that, but obviously may well just be (semi-)bluffing

Be interested to understand what range others would apply and how much more aggression they may think is appropriate in this sort of hand.
SBSmall blind  £0.10 £0.10 £10.74
BBBig blind  £0.20 £0.30 £21.05
xSit out     
xxxxxxBig blind  £0.20 £0.50 £15.80
  Your hole cards
  • K
  • Q
shakinaces Raise  £1.00 £1.50 £19.00
sbRaise  £1.70 £3.20 £9.04
bbCall  £1.60 £4.80 £19.45
shakinaces Call  £0.80 £5.60 £18.20
  • 5
  • 9
  • K
sbBet  £1.60 £7.20 £7.44
bbCall  £1.60 £8.80 £17.85
shakinaces Call  £1.60 £10.40 £16.60
  • J
sbBet  £2.20 £12.60 £5.24
bbRaise  £9.65 £22.25 £8.20


  • Options
    edited February 2016
    Can you remember what they both done the other two hands you were at the table? Average pot size of table can sometimes help, a lot of time get a big one. I'd be tempted 4 bet pre (maybe £5, maybe all in) if i thought i was mostly risking £10 to win 25 and sometimes getting folds.

    Hard really playing against complete randoms, not really where a lot of the money comes from.

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    edited February 2016
    A lot of the time rather than posting BB on first orbit i click 'sit out' and spenda couple minutes faffing around with different things while keeping half an eye on tables, mostly just noticing the really obvious things as well as getting a general feel for how people are playing. A lot of the time leads to getting information for free that i would have otherwise have had to have paid for.
  • Options
    edited February 2016
    I like shove pre too.
    Tho Bb looks strong, can def put them in a tough spot and generate enough folds. We got blockers and stuff so all good.
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