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UKPC Main Event

edited March 2016 in Sky Poker Live
Returned from a weekend in Nottingham where I participated in the UKPC main event. I bagged my seat winning one of the freerolls in January. Being a micro stakes cash/tournie player on-line this was the only way I could play in such a prestigious tournament. Was a bit daunting at first as I have no previous live experience but managed to get through till early day 2 finally going out in 253rd place. Have to say the whole experience was wonderful playing in the packed Dusk Till Dawn casino and something I would love to repeat in the future.


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    edited March 2016

    That's a lovely Post MJX, & I'm so glad you enjoyed the whole experience.
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: UKPC Main Event:
    That's a lovely Post MJX, & I'm so glad you enjoyed the whole experience.
    Posted by Tikay10
    No problem Tikay, forgot to mention that I briefly introduced myself to you on Saturday during one of the breaks. I was the lad from Newcastle that shared your marvellous fashion sense, we both had similiar scarves on :-)
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    edited March 2016
    hi guys just like to say thanks for a fantastic weekend ,so many highlights one of which was leaving the club Saturday night after qualifying for day 2 bagging up 211,000 I hopped into a cab out side only to have security staff say to me oi that cab is Richards but as we were going to the same hotel they said it would be ok ,so on the way home I was in the front he was in the back chatting about our bad beats all the way home ,so when we got to the holiday inn I said I will pay for the cab wasn't till I got inside I realised it was Richard orford haha so richard you owe me a fiver for the cab lol.but back to the poker I finished day two and bagged up 1,1 mil in chip and guaranteed 5 K my biggest win to date which means my youngest boy Harv who I promised I would get him a moto x bike for his birthday now means hes getting one woop woop .just like to say big thank you to your team and al the guys at DTD for putting on a great weekend only down side was not to have made the final table after finishing in 29 th position but hay ho that's life thanks Greg Humpty 1966 from the isle of man
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    edited March 2016
    In Response to Re: UKPC Main Event:
    hi guys just like to say thanks for a fantastic weekend ,so many highlights one of which was leaving the club Saturday night after qualifying for day 2 bagging up 211,000 I hopped into a cab out side only to have security staff say to me oi that cab is Richards but as we were going to the same hotel they said it would be ok ,so on the way home I was in the front he was in the back chatting about our bad beats all the way home ,so when we got to the holiday inn I said I will pay for the cab wasn't till I got inside I realised it was Richard orford haha so richard you owe me a fiver for the cab lol.but back to the poker I finished day two and bagged up 1,1 mil in chip and guaranteed 5 K my biggest win to date which means my youngest boy Harv who I promised I would get him a moto x bike for his birthday now means hes getting one woop woop .just like to say big thank you to your team and al the guys at DTD for putting on a great weekend only down side was not to have made the final table after finishing in 29 th position but hay ho that's life thanks Greg Humpty 1966 from the isle of man
    Posted by HUMPTY1966

    Post of the week. 
    Lovely story and congrats on your cash. I think your only downside was meeting Orford TBH ;)
    Really glad you enjoyed it. Plus I also enjoyed reading MJX's opening post. Great stuff both.
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    edited March 2016

    Gotta agree, what a lovely Post.

    I plan to quote a few of these posts in tomorrow's Blog, love these stories.
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    edited March 2016
    A huge thanks to all at sky poker, having qualified by winning the 996th millionth (Very Lucky) hand i could not have enjoyed myself more! Great experiance and will be looking to get involved in more live poker events moving forward. Down side is that i was knocked out around an hour before close of play on Saturday, flipped after the flop miles ahead only to be on the wrong end of someone hitting runner runner (Not so lucky). That being said, the way the tournament was run was great, giving the recreational players a chance at such a prestigious event. I think it is fair to say a huge pat on the back for all involed at Sky Poker is well deserved!! I will be there again next year, hopefully qualifying online but if not i will stump up the buy in to be involved in such a great event. 
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