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Missed the boat

edited November 2016 in The Rail
UKOPS PLO8 today, yipee!

I'm making breakfast for my extended family, whilst they are at church.  The penance for my sin of non attendence, chief cook and bottle washer for twelve folk.

So they all arrive, scoff the breakfast, hand out easter eggs etc, and then after a natter, they start to drift off.  Nice to see them all, have a chat and all that, but UKOPS sats have started, don't overstay your welcome, Cheerio.

As I am gently steering my sister in law to the door, she says, "I'll see you at five".


Apparently we have been invited round to her place for dinner at five.  The wife forgot to mention it to me(she said she did, but she definitely didn't).

But I protest, "It's UKOPS this weekend", blank stares, "The PLO8 tournament starts at five", more blank stares, "The biggest tournament on Sky of my favorite game" I explain.

My sister in law, who is off to Vegas in a couple of days time, and who this week won £3,000 bagging a royal flush playing 3 card poker at the local Genting, sees my dilemma.  She says, "Bring your tablet, and you can play whilst we're having dinner".

I look at my wife imploringly.  She is giving me that look.  I don't know what that look actually means, but I surmise it to mean...Try it buddy and I'll de-knacker you with the cheese wire....  I know it is a non-starter.

So good luck to UKOPS PLO8 tournament, God bless her and all who sail in her.  Sadly I have missed the boat.


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