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A Poker Poem - by Pokertrev
Well Guys
I had nothing better to do after another successful night playing sky poker, so I wrote you a poem........enjoy!
Every Day I Write in This Space
Thinking of Poker, I Think it is ACE
Most of The Time, I lose Quite a Few
For Every Ten Losses I Only Win TWO
Tried Multi-Table, But Its Not For Me
I Can Barely Do One, Never Mind THREE
I Play Final Whistle, and Watch for The Score
Supersix Freeroll? I Only Got FOUR
When I Play Poker, It Keeps Me Alive
I'm Watching The Clock, I Finish at FIVE
Bankroll Is Gloomy, I need a Quick Fix
So Double Your Money, Pays Three Outa SIX
Deep Stack or Bounty, I Think I'm in Heaven
Better be Quick, Its Starting at SEVEN
My Favourite Tourny, And Chatting to Mates
Must The Deepstack, At Quarter Past EIGHT
Hope I Don't Bubble, A Cash Would be Fine
But Not Even That, I'm Out Before NINE
So off to The Forum, A Bad Beat Again
He Hits on the Flop, Then Rivers a TEN
Now That I've Moaned, Its Time to Go Back
I hope I Hit Trips, Or Quads With a JACK
Wife Doesn't Love Me, I'm Living a Dream
Pokers My Princess, But She's Still the QUEEN
A Straight or a Flush and Quads That go Bling
Forget The Full House, Royal Flush is The KING
I LOVE SKY POKER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Another night owl eh? Nice one
lolllll laughin mi bum off, funnier than soccer am nowardays!
a man of many talents .
Glad you are ammused. I was gonna try and fit all the hearts. spade, diamonds & Clubs in aswell, but sadly it was too much for my brain that time in the morning.
I won a couple of £22 DYMs last night, finished Eighth in the Orfordable, so that was another cash & finally, I took down the 8.15 Deepstack for another £90.
A big thanks to all the railers that stayed with us, especially Tiggerace, & Lucky, Cheers!!!!!!
Well its a new day and I am up for it again, so see you on the tables Guys & Girls.
(Official Suite)
Ps. Don't forget to support the Sky Poker Online Champion Thead in Community Suggestions Pleeeeeaaaase
Very well played in the orfordable last night m8 and very unlucky not to go on and take it down. The type of play differs so much in this type of format it takes some getting used to. Pitting your wits against 10 players, wondering when to make a move and then being frustrated when someone makes it before you do, is all part of the fun though.
Hope to see you there again soon.