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Home of the Exclamation mark

edited October 2016 in The Rail
Middle aged men in lycra thinking they're Bradley Wiggins !!!!!!!!!
Drivers who approach a roundabout in the left hand lane then start indicating right !!!!!!!!!!


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    edited May 2016
    Anyone who wants to let off some steam here's the place.Anything that gets you riled.
    Customer in front of me in supermarket decides to have a chat with checkout girl after packing and paying for her shopping.!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Binman sticks a note on my recycling bin to tell me to cut up the cardboard and plastic into smaller pieces.!!!!!!!!
    Advertisements on exactly the same product from years past,but now with more glitz and glamour.!!!!!!
    Is anyone gonna fill these potholes in.!!!!!!!
    All these cooking programmes with  "chefs" .THER'E COOKS!!!!!!!
    Horse I back , 10 lengths clear coming to the last and falls.!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Can customers please pay their bills on time!!!!!!!!
    Been getting calls (during poker sessions) about ppi for about 6 years now.Never had a mortgage.!!!!!!!
    Ache when getting out of bed these days.Getting older!!!

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    edited May 2016
    Nice one, Chilling. I like a good 'things that p**s you off' thread.
    I did start one many years ago but it's dissolved.
    This should get many posts :)

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    edited May 2016
    Facebook telling people what you had to eat then saying num num !!!!!!
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    edited May 2016
    Adverts that claim something is "new and improved":-can't be both.
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    edited May 2016
    All the best.
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    edited May 2016
    Packaging thats impossible to open without injuring yourself !!!!!
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    edited May 2016
    People who repeat themselves.
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    edited May 2016
    People who repeat themselves.
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    edited May 2016
     Your Neighbour buys bigger flat screen TV than you and leaves his curtains open.!
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    edited May 2016
    _(*_(*^£_!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! That is all !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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    edited May 2016
    Somebody pulled the Dandelions out ?      chill ... in your garden they're weeds in mine there flowers.!
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    edited May 2016
    Dandelion & Burdock Cream Soda used to get it from the R.Whites Lemonade lorry driver delivered door to door.  Think you can still get it.?
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    edited May 2016
    Having a massive artic lorry cut across me when I had right of way on roundabout and it didn't stop as I was already on the round about just about to go into the correct lane. Lets put it this way, the horn was used, just glad he wasn't going the same way as me or would have had words. Foriegn drivers!!!!
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    edited May 2016
    People who complain about Exclamation Marks!!!!!  
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    edited May 2016
    I'm an English teacher and I love exclamation marks!!!
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    edited May 2016
    Live poker railers who shout for cards during an all-in. 

    Watching the latest episode of WPT earlier and this blummin' woman railer kept screeching QUEEN! QUEEN! QUEEN! and then the others start DEUCE! DEUCE! DEUCE!

    Shut up you imbeciles.

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    edited May 2016
    Lovely sunny days, perfect for relaxing in the garden in the peace & tranquility.


    Cretins who live nearby with lawnmowers, hedge-trimmers, multiple jet-washers, or my immediate neighbour who's fired up his shed based manufacturing plant with it's saws and lathes, because he has to keep making things.

    Ultimately my fault for having neighbours.

    BP = 230/180

    End of rants.

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    edited May 2016
    NoseyBonk  have your back garden like I do backing onto a school playing field,with over 40 kids playing rugby, football and rounders,then you will be as angry as me, been going on since 2014 and was never told the field was going  to be used,we  moved here over 25 years ago it was like living in the country until 2014, going to have to move from our house that we have loved because the noise is to much rant over (:(:(:(:
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    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Home of the Exclamation mark:
    In Response to Re: Home of the Exclamation mark : Try and get yourself a few moles paige, release them in the fields.Ther'e a nightmare to get rid of.
    Posted by chilling
    Would I get in trouble if I planted some knot weed in the field chilling xxx
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    edited May 2016
    What ever happened to  "LOUD MUSIC"
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    edited May 2016
    What a beautiful morning.

    First jet-wash of the day happening at No.1

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    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Home of the Exclamation mark:
    What ever happened to  "LOUD MUSIC"
    Posted by goldon

    Ah yes, now this is where I can defeat them all.
    Not only do I have phenomenal AV volume capabilities, I also have a 50w Soldano guitar amp and some Stratocasters. That amp's enough for the Royal Albert Hall :) The cul-de-sac is warned...

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    edited May 2016
    Okay, finising the last of my study for exams tomorrow so happy to let off some steam here...

    Being told in shops (even by the same person day after day) to "just enter your PIN and press enter"... I have been doing this for quite a while, I know how it works!

    Holding the door open for someone and they just march through without so much as a 'ta' 'cheers' thanks' etc... I am not a doorman, I just tried to make your day the tiniest bit easier, just say thanks!

    Being told by the automated voice at the self service check out in Tesco that "your clubcard points add up"... What else are they going to do? Being told by the same automated voice to scan my clubcard to "win clubcard points"... I'm not winning them, you get 1 for each £1 you spend it is a well established deal, it is a bit like the bank telling you that if you deposit money you will 'win interest'.

    People overly complaining (ironic as I am complaining but I guess this is the place for it)

    Okay rant over, back to the studies...
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    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Home of the Exclamation mark:
    Well marky,according to Diogenes you could well be struggling with 1=1.Need more chalk!
    Posted by chilling
    Haha yes, I suppose all those numbers on the card readers can be quite confusing!
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    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Home of the Exclamation mark:
    In Response to Re: Home of the Exclamation mark : Ah yes, now this is where I can defeat them all. Not only do I have phenomenal AV volume capabilities, I also have a 50w Soldano guitar amp and some Stratocasters. That amp's enough for the Royal Albert Hall :) The cul-de-sac is warned...
    Posted by NoseyBonk
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    edited May 2016
    :) Vespy

    Peace has returned to the cul-de-sac (for now). Or as it states in the brilliant 80s film Threads - "Exchange ends."

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    edited May 2016
    people who rant when they lose and you've cracked their AA with 3's. Go boil ya head! Get a grip it happens!!!!
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    edited October 2016
    People who pick up their dog poo in dog poo bags then lob them in the hedge.

    "Foam" on my plate at a nice restaurant, I want to eat it not wash in it.

    Polo's from the vending machine, 90% broken every time.

    Our local chippie (Friday night, it's the law) who's idea of a portion of chips would have put an end to the potato famine. I ask the girl behind the counter to just give us a handful of chips as we'll only bin the others, she tells me she can't do that. 

    Stuffed-crust pizza- just wrong! Especially when it's cheese and comes out so hot it strips the skin off your tongue.

    People who go to the gym, I don't want to hear about it before, during or after. I don't want to see selfies of you pouting whilst  some dirty old man's clearly checking your butt out in the mirror. I don't need maps of where you've run or graphs showing how many callories you've burned  I DONT CARE! I know you're probably a better person than me, you're going to live longer and happier and your sweat smells of honeysuckle. Just keep your tight bunned smuggness to yourself and let me get on with not caring about myself. Rant over.

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    edited October 2016
    I forgot one and it's a biggy! Now as a responsible lady I occasionally socialise with slightly less responsible ladies. Due to my responsibility I often find myself in the position of designated driver. A few years ago some of the leading chains of wateringholes were offering free soft drinks to the designated driver- great, but not a deal-maker in our choice of venue. But not now, which is fine, I don't mind paying a couple of quid for a coke or juice. But now its gotten a whole lot worse, and I can sum this up in one short phrase- Non-Alcoholic Cocktails. Used to be if i wanted orange and cranberry juice then that's what I got. Not now though, thanks to Mr/Mrs Smugmarketinggraduatehowcanichargeloadsforaglassoffruitjuice its £4.95 and I have to ask for a Faked Orga$m on the Beach or a MojitNo. Then when I've got it it's 87% ice and the glass has got lipstick marks on.
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    edited October 2016
     " Your all a load of Moaner's " I would never post on this thread. !!!!!!  Oops!
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