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Who's for PM.

edited May 2016 in The Rail
Which forum poster would you vote for running the country  (if the job came up)  and for what reasons?


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    edited May 2016
    In Response to Who's for PM.:
    Which forum poster would you vote for running the country  (if the job came up)  and for what reasons?
    Posted by chilling
    Tikay , just to get the railways re-nationalised.
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    edited May 2016
    I think Stokie as he would make drinking and poker compulsory on friday nights.
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    edited May 2016
    My Vote would be for chilling, well he did start this thread,i do not know much  about chilling and anyway we no nothing about our pm apart from there over the top Expenses and there second homes, and I do not mean you chilling xxx love you paige , chilling for pm xx  chilling get yourself all the Expenses you can and maybe 2 second homes and you will get my vote xxx And you can also be leader of our council, mayor of London, and lord of sky poker xxx my vote has been cast for you xxx flattery may get me no where xxx can I be your second in command xxx Only one condition chilling can I place Knot weed where  ever I want xxx
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    edited May 2016
    In Response to Re: Who's for PM.:
    I think Stokie as he would make drinking and poker compulsory on friday nights.
    Posted by chilling
    I like xx
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    edited May 2016
    I am going to be greedy and pick 7 - one for each day of an interesting week...

    Tomgoodun - he would never get in through a normal election as he is just too honest and principled, just the sort of person we need though. 

    Hhyfffty - just for the lolz at PMQs he maybe won't get enough holidays though to want to stay in the job.

    Rainman - His promotional skills would put the great back in britain (and northern ireland)

    Macacgirl - Just to see what laws she could pass to maximise the torment on Tikay

    Neil Channing - want to see him on question time but good luck trying to get him off the mike

    GaryQQQ- He gets results

    AJ Milton - He is the champ but more importantly, Ms Artois deserves to be 1st lady

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