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slightly out flopped :((((

PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceboggoSmall blind 100.00100.004749.50TyrionLBig blind 200.00300.003314.50 Your hole cardsKK   UncTupeloRaise 400.00700.007547.50mum26Fold    rivermunkyRaise 1000.001700.005103.00boggoFold    TyrionLFold    UncTupeloAll-in 7547.509247.500.00rivermunkyAll-in 5103.0014350.500.00UncTupeloUnmatched bet 1844.5012506.001844.50UncTupeloShow99   rivermunkyShowKK   Flop  9Q9   Turn  2   River  3   UncTupeloWinFour 9s12506.00 14350.50


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