I'm sure people are aware of the expanding model of part online, part live Poker tournaments.
These seem to be getting more and more popular.
Would Sky consider doing these? A bit like the old SPT's (Maybe a £110 or £220) buy in.
Have online satellites and multiple day1's on the site (Can re-enter a different day1 if you bust), then players carry their chip stack through to a day2 (Live Final) at a partnering casino?
Just a thought.
A lot of online players like this format, as playing live takes up so much time, and they can't multi-table etc.
However in this format, by the time they get to the "live" part, they have a realistic chance of a decent cash, so the effort of travel time, money, being away from home, is less arduous.
I for one would support these if Sky was to consider doing this. It's a way to keep on top of both disciplines. (online and live)
Just a thought.
Just a thought-how about Day 1's online, day 2's at various casinos simultaneously, and a day 3 online?
It could be pitched to whichever amount of players is suitable for the site; whether that be a 6 max or 9 max live FT or a 20/50/100 player live event. It could also be monthly, quarterly or 6 monthly, again whatever suited the site traffic.
It would also promote the community aspect side of the site with a lot of players meeting regularly to play live.