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did i play this wrong or just unlucky?

edited August 2016 in Cash Strategy

Ive just started playing a few weeks ago and am still learing. did i play the poket aces too strong given ther was 3 cards to a straight on the flop i know they didnt make their straight untill the river but for future play am  i better off playing slower on a board like that or was it the right play and just unlucky?


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    edited June 2016
    Well seeing as you got all the chips in with the best hand and then lost, you can be pretty confident to say that you didn't play the hand "wrong", and did just get unlucky - confirmed.  

    If you are just starting poker then I'd say it is very good that you are looking for ways to improve your game/posting on the forum, however try to focus your review time/energy on what you believe will make the biggest differences to your results and not hands that you maybe have the biggest emotional attachment to...

    You are going to get a lot of bad beats, are you sure you want to put yourself through it / have the mental endurance?!? muahrharharrhr

    Bad luck with your AA Buddy

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    edited July 2016
    thanks a lot for the advice :)

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    edited August 2016
    raise bigger pre, rest is fine

    Also buy in full
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    edited August 2016
    nothing wrong with any of that imo. low level stakes not many will fold kq and then hitting there king no chance of a fold so bet size is good.

    and i wouldnt be scared of that flop either

    run well 

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