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TT 'squeeze' facing 3b from blinds

edited September 2016 in Cash Strategy
As it was I torn between call and 4b, then got sidetracked by phone starting to ring and ended up timing out (doh!), obviously the worst of all options.

But preference here?  BB is a solid multi-tabling reg presumably playing as low as NL10 just to keep the table count up.  I've been raising these two limpers with all sorts but BB not been at the table long so wouldn't necessarily have assumed I'd be squeezing light... but is still obv good enough to be playing the set-up and 3b light.

I can't help but feel calling is too nitty here as invariably at least one overcard flops, bets keep getting fired and you have to begrudgingly fold.  

4-betting on the other hand tends to get snap folds (and a feel I should have called and let them carry on bluffing) or shoved on (and you have so much in the middle, you feel obliged to call and pray it's AK or a rare total bluff, but tend more often to be drawing to 2 outs)

sbSmall blind £0.05£0.05£11.78
bbBig blind £0.10£0.15£11.59
 Your hole cards
  • 10
  • 10
limp1Call £0.10£0.25£4.00
limp2Call £0.10£0.35£11.68
shakinacesRaise £0.55£0.90£11.16
bbRaise £2.10£3.00£9.49


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    edited June 2016
    Need to see the stack sizes, technically not a "Squeeze" play as noone is being squeezed but whatever :D

    Fold looks good to me as him mutlitabling means he probably isn't picking up on "good" spots to 3 bet light (Especially vs a giant raise after 2 limpers"), so his hand is likely to be pretty strong...could just ship it in and gamble though seeing as it is a spin up. 

    If you 4 bet and he folds then that is very profitable for you.
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    edited August 2016
    Fold>>>>>>>call>4bet imo

    You dont have to fold when he fires bullets if you call
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    edited September 2016
    im not folding here unless you know this guy is very tight. As you say were going to be raising the btn wide vs twi limpers and if the bb is competant he will know this and has a good 3b bluff spot with hands like ATo AJo KQo. We can call and play post flop.
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