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ok my turn

edited July 2016 in The Rail
just read through all 16 pages to make sure i wasn't copying anyone

A vampire walks into a vampire bar and asks the bartender for a pint of blood. The bartender grabs a glass and pulls him a pint of blood off the tap, the vampire then ges and sits down and starts drinking his blood. A second vampire walks in and asks the bartender for a pint of blood also but the bartender turns round and says 'sorry mate, just sold the last one to that guy over there.' The vampire thinks for a bit then turns round and says 'Can I have a pint of boiling water then please.' The bartender looks at him as though he has gone crazy and says'Boiling water?!!' 'Yes please' replies the vampire to which the bartender walks out to the kitchen boils the kettle and brings him out a pint of boiling water. reaching into his pocket the vampire pulls out a used tampon and says 'What, you never heard of teabags before.'


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