Hi all, Ive never written a diary entry on Sky before, but feel it would be benefical to write some of my experiences down.
Friday night by 10pm all my tourneys were finished and I couldn't wait to switch the computer off. I was punting off the last of my stacks as I was in no mood to play. We've all been there where for whatever reason you're heads not in the game, and patience was at an all time low.
I was so angry with myself that I decided to dedicate the whole of my saturday to studying the leaks in my game. Suffice to say that culminated in a profitable run, just shy of 3 final tables, including a 2nd, 3rd and 7th ( to bubble the jackpot getting in 90% of my stack QQ vs 33 pre - to see a 3 land on river). In the main i'd lost a few hands on the FT and was 5/5 with under 10bbs. If this was the night before I would of ended up shoving in a silly spot, but with the 6 hours of working on my game prior to playing I just felt like I had the edge and could still accumlate chips, if I could remain patient. I ended up picking my spots well and got myself heads up, eventually getting my stack in again with QQ against 95 allin on a 5XX board... to see a 9 bink the turn. Its painful not to win getting so close, and my chips in good, but i'm fully aware that to get in that spot I had to get lucky in other spots too. Overall whats more inportant for me is knowing that I played the best I could, and then leave the rest up to lady luck.
In conclusion I've learnt that dedicating time to looking in the mirror, and putting a magnifying glass on your game really does pay dividends. If you lose half your stack in the first level, dont be friday me and punt, have the patience and the belief that you can grind it back up.
Good luck at the tables,
You will get there, I do believe. Run golden and keep at it and try not to get frustrated.
Am so pleased you've binked tonight. Hope the golden run continues
Donna aka the pest
Hi Tim,
I think you're doing quite well. Well played over the weekend and well played over the last 3 years Quite a magnificent achievement to lead ths league...
NEW High Volume Profit leader.
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Excellent play.
thanks tim.
ps i am now avoiding you on the tables.