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Button Opening Size VS Other Positions

edited November 2016 in Cash Strategy
Hi, right so the majority of the time i have been opening the button for a min open depending on the size of the stack in the B. if they have 200 BB's then i tend to 3x regardless of hand strenth. from the cut off and every other position i 3x open. for the SB vs BB i tend to 4x and again if the have less then 100 BB's i 3x. i dont know if i should be 4xing under the gun/ if any of the above is wrong/could i make anything better for my opening game? (playing in the micro's)??
thoughts and idea's are always good thanks. GL


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    edited August 2016
    Ok you have trouble with preflop raise sizes ?
    this is in the cash stratagy section so I guess its about cash only.
    Ask yourself do they fold to to a 2x raise instead of a 3x raise
    (I say this as if nits are in the sb/bb they dont defend wide so stealing the sb and bb is very profitable with even a 2x raise) will be profitable.

    you could even advocate raising small due to the rake at micros which I think is 7.5% :O

    But then again I have played the micros and they are very call heavy so I would tend to raise 3x/4x from every position.
    I would personally work on your preflop fundementals as this will help you loads more then just your preflop raise sizes.
    Making a mistake preflop will only be a bigger mistake the further through the streets you go.

    Raises sizes is a mehhhh just use standard raise sizes. Without a hud its harder to label players except the fish as they catch your eye first so would just label all the loose passive weak players and exploit them.

    You should be far less worried about what to raise and be more worried about preflop mistakes/flop/turn and river mistakes as these will be COSTLY.

    Hope this helps.
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    edited August 2016
    I quite like that sizing.

    Try and note what players adapt to sizing. And then you can in turn adapt. For example if an opponent is not going to open their calling range vs your min raise on button, regardless of stack sizes then the min is optimal.
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    edited November 2016
    Thanks man. I have A TON of players labelled and pretty much 3 x every position in NL anyways. PLO different story >< GL at the tables!
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