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edited September 2016 in Cash Strategy
Was just wondering what do people tend to look at for a session and maybe keep a record of? How many hands they saw in an hour and how much they've won? How many bb they win per 100 hands? Or do some just record how much they are up or down for the day and play a set time for the day? 

Was just wondering as would like to start keeping some info on how I am doing just to be getting an idea of how I am playing. 

Cheers guys.


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    edited August 2016
    On sky I just check the balance at the end of the day! Probably better with bb/100 but that takes math and I hate math. Honestly though a day doesn't show anything significant. You could of played really good and be stuck 5 buyins or even and vice versa. Maybe check your balance at the end of a month see how you are doing and keep track that way. Forget about worrying About tracking  daily 
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    edited August 2016
    That's the thing though of course want to be winning money but with looking just at the money, could you not be lucky enough to get a decent size pot. You win that and it makes up for all the loses you've taken that session. Does it really give you an idea of you've been playing compare to if you look at hand stats.

    Also being a bit of a newbie to the idea of keeping info can someone explain bb/100 or am I right in how I am thinking. 

    If I sit at say 50p/£1 cash game with say £100. After 100 hands I am sitting on say £112. So I would be 6bb/100 ? Of course it doesn't mean much looking at so little hands being played but over 10000s of hands played I'm guessing its good info to have.

    Is that right?
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    edited August 2016
    In Response to Re: Winning:
    That's the thing though of course want to be winning money but with looking just at the money, could you not be lucky enough to get a decent size pot. You win that and it makes up for all the loses you've taken that session. Does it really give you an idea of you've been playing compare to if you look at hand stats. Also being a bit of a newbie to the idea of keeping info can someone explain bb/100 or am I right in how I am thinking.  If I sit at say 50p/£1 cash game with say £100. After 100 hands I am sitting on say £112. So I would be 6bb/100 ? Of course it doesn't mean much looking at so little hands being played but over 10000s of hands played I'm guessing its good info to have. Is that right?
    Posted by smilewiper


    Just play write down each amount, maybe monitor time played.

    For example. £100 balance. Played 2 hours now have £90.

    Aim to play 1000 hours or summit
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    edited August 2016
    Going to get into a routine in regard to how many hours I play. I honestly have just fallen in love with the game big time. When I'm not playing I am reading forums or watching videos to do with poker. Am sat amongst mates and just thinking "ffs I wish you lot played so could talk hands and throw around ideas." And then not even mentioning poker to mates as I think they must be sick of it and don't get it as don't play the game anyway lol.

    Gonna be drawing square grids with 100 squares so I can mark inside when dealt a hand and if I played it or not. End of every complete square will be writing if I am up or down in regards to the big blind. Have seen how easy it is now to paste hands too so anything which at the time I find myself questioning I'm gonna be looking to get other opinions on. Is times when I'm wondering the correct play in order to get more in the pot ect and how far to push.

    I'm new to the game compare to many and even when I've known how to play poker, I would say I'm very new in terms of falling in love with the game and wanting to take it serious and develop as a player. Just want to learn and keep on learning.
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    edited August 2016
    Hello wiper,
    Havnt seen you in a while.What you playing now still cash or tournaments?
    I'l have a go answering your question.
    I like to keep it simple my balance tells me how i'm doing.You will win and lose hands where you get lucky or unlucky but over time this should even out. If your making a profit your doing something right. Maybe keep a record of your balance weekly or monthly.
    If i set targets ie want £20 over next 2 hrs or target certain amounts per session or hour.I think im putting pressure on myself,making rash decisions & not playing my best game.
    Good luck wiper

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    edited September 2016
    In Response to Re: Winning:
    Hello wiper, Havnt seen you in a while.What you playing now still cash or tournaments? I'l have a go answering your question. I like to keep it simple my balance tells me how i'm doing.You will win and lose hands where you get lucky or unlucky but over time this should even out. If your making a profit your doing something right. Maybe keep a record of your balance weekly or monthly. If i set targets ie want £20 over next 2 hrs or target certain amounts per session or hour.I think im putting pressure on myself,making rash decisions & not playing my best game. Good luck wiper Theo
    Posted by 70theo
    Hey Theo good to see you posting on here mate. Didn't know if you'd use the forum or not. Can tell your someone who actually reads and wants to improve though. I have been playing now and then when possible but been staying at my cousins n helping him out. Aunts husband just brought a new place and needed some work doing. Been coming home now n then but tbh so tired I don't even finish 6 beers and I'm asleep lol. I'm back now though so expect well bump into each other again. From I remember you had my money lol so I'll be coming to get that back ;). Been doing a lot of reading and learning so fingers crossed I can put it into action and improve my game. Good to see your name though Theo.
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