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forum big brother house 1 phase 2 / you vote webby the doorman kicks them out / same vote system as
i think you missed me off the list...
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As previous thread
12pm tonight lowest in the voting gets the webby escort !
you vote for the person that you want to stay in the big brother house !!!
coming soon celebrity :
[ skyrich / poker analysts / presenters ]
big brother !!!
please go away now and stop,
looking in the bigbrother house windows ,
security !!!
webby give this guy a very badbeating up please !
backfired on me and my house romance.
webby pops in now and then.
we need to leave some room for his head.
at present there is a over run of costs in this little house alone,
mainly due to the following :
renewal of pillow cases,
the new biodownloadable grass in garden,
and the new suit that was bought,
under the false pretence that a certain indivudual
was been evicted .
i hope you all lose, i never wanted to be in the house in the first place (Mr_Miyagi seduced me...), im not a sore loser but i feel this whole thing was rigged so i am no longer going to take place in this so called 'community'... you clearly all just vote for your friends... popularity contest INIT.
ok mr_miyagi you get my vote
The house won't be the same now your gone.
Still in the house WhoooHooooooo..........You guys are awsom for voting for me.
Now if only I could find the Nutter & Miyagi..........What are they up to?
bigbrother announcement
sorry no announcements till now,
this was due to being in court all morning,
the young one they call mr blackfish,
tried in vain to bring the bb house down,
making allegation of treble barrel vote rigging fiasco,
the judge threw mr black [ with the help of webby ] out of court,
mmm normal service resumes ,
please give trev back his underpants mr miyagi.
in the snug
To my ammusement, he spent the rest of the afternoon being violently ill in the house garden.
I hope he will be ok later for tonights party!!!!
oynutter can not be found in any of our cameras ,
does anyone know where that nutter is ?
duff beer has been supplied for tonights party,
compliments of mr doh !
BB - What makes you such an aggresive house mate?
Oynutter - That stupid notice telling me my floppin log in has expired
BB - Why do you think this notice exists?
Oynutter - Cause they are ignoring me and it is just fluppin mental, I could lose my floppin mind, that stupid notice has no place in the BB is just fik.
BB - What do you think of your fellow house mates?
Oynutter - Well Mr Miyagi is a top bloke, when he's not wearing trevs pants and swinging on the secret tree lol.
BB - Sorry, you must now leave the diary room.
Oynutter - Why?
BB - Your Login Has Expired
Oynutter - That stupid notice has no place in the BB House, I am gonna report it to the regulators
BB - Your Login Has Expired, Please relaunch from the lobby.
Oynutter - Thats it BB, if I go back to the lobby and get thrown out the house, I am gonna go Fluppin Mental Innitt!!!
Oynutter leaves the diary room..............I am gonna get floppin wasted at the party tonight MMMMmmmm wonder whether trev will lend me his suite.
Mr Miyagi is getting ready for the party to celebrate Naked Thursday
Pokertrev is brushing down his best suite for the party, its naked thursday so its my birthday suite.
please give me the number of your tailor
good news :
oynutter has been picked up by camera 5,
he has been located under the dinning room table .
he is in a semiconscious state,
its unclear what he's saying.
bad news :
he only gone and flipping drank all the duff
beer that was for the party tonight.
we await our duff beer sponsorer mr doh,
to see will he supply a new batch for tonights party.
just push our single beds together and turn out the lights
We were going to bring in two new German house mates for your entertainment but due to them breaking one of the fundamental rules of BB we have had to cancel.
I think I will definately need a drink before we go to bed Mr. Miyagi.
Perhaps we should go and put that Nutter under a cold shower first to sober him up - What a floppin waster!