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So, we hit this Flop HARD. But what do we do now?

edited February 2010 in Omaha

This hand is a Live hand that occurred today in a big Omaha Tourney in Paris, I think it was €1,000 buy-in.

The Hero, who is also Chip Leader, is Simon "Aces" Trumper, who is a bit of an Omaha specialist, to put it mildly.

He had the Button, & limped with As, Ts, Jd, 8d. (No, I don't know why he limped).

The SB made up, the BB checked. Three way.

The flop came a floptastic......

Js, 8s, 5s.

So, nut flush, & top two.

The Blinds both check.

What do we do now?


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    edited February 2010

      i would raise on the flop one of them comes  over the top  push all in

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    edited February 2010
    I would say bet half pot maybe..

    As surely one of the blinds may have some part of it any 6/7, 9/10 or even underflush 2 pair etc.

    If we check and see a 5 on the turn and get action from an opponent then we arent too sure were we stand, as the BB could easily be holding 8/5, j/5.

    Could be the reason i still play 2/4p omaha though :D
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    edited February 2010
    check min-raise flop, anywhere between 1/2 - full pot bet on the turn depending upon the texture of the board, shove the lot in on the river.

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    edited February 2010
      First of all i like the preflop limp on the button as it keeps pot control with a hand that we need to see a flop with. The flop though it has hit hard is a problem because it has hit too hard and it will be difficult to get paid off. So we are in the dilemma common in omaha of trying to build the pot up without scaring off our customers and not letting them redraw to a better hand. Our action here has to depend on the image we have shown at the table, the relative chipstacks and the play we have seen from our opponents.We need to be getting chips into the pot to build it up but a big bet here could easily scare off the others. I believe that this is one of the few times where a check could poossibly be the best bet to show weakness and hope that the turn is nice and we get someone betting into us with a weak flush. In reality there are very few holding that we can really be scared of redrawing so the odds on them hjaving them and hitting are remote so we can safely say this hand is almost a done deal and just plan out how to cash in.

      So i would think either a check or weak bet unless we have the image of being loose and wild in which case we could be more aggressive.
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    edited February 2010

    We quickly find the bet button...

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    edited February 2010

    Do we REALLY want/need to bet here?

    This is one of those rare - VERY rare spots - in Omaha where we have just about everything, the nuts, & the nut house draw as our extension. Whatever we do, we must NOT lose our customers here. Should we?

    Anyway, it went check-check-check.

    The turn came an offsuit 6.

    The SB Bet, the BB called, NOW what do we do?

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    edited February 2010
      Ok we slow played the flop which gave us some customers.Now we need to realise the potential scare hands our opponents could be holding. they are JJ 88 66 55 J6 J5 86 85 65 and 6c7c 7c9c 4c6c. These hands all have the opportunity to outdraw us on the river.The pot has been built up nicely now and the best move in my opinion is to now crank the pressure right up with a big raise.If someone does not have a big hand at this point they will fold but if they have great draws they will come along whilst drawing very thin. The cards we do not want to see on the river are any 8,6,5 and the 4 6 7 or 9 of clubs. So there are not many scare cardsavailable.Also if we do not crank the pot up now we give our opponents a chance to get to the river cheaply and if they miss all their draws they will not pay us off. The turn is where you really need to get money in the pot as it is the last chance to build it up. The hands that the SB would bet out with are bad flush set or at worst the straight. Any slow playing at this point would be a mistake because you are just hoping for a blank on the river that improves someones hand a bit.

      So my choice here is to put in a big bet and hope to get called by a speculative hand.We know they have some interest in the hand now so we should make them pay and pay big.
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    edited February 2010
    Depends on my mood..

    ..Raise, they both insta fold,

    Or Flat call and get outdrawn on the river :D

    Even though you would want to build the pot by raising, arent you pretty much telling them you have massive strength e.g nut flush.

    If you flat call you can look weak seeing as you limped pre, so theres more chance of one the blinds betting the river in which you can raise, Like Talon said there isn't too many scare cards that could come...ahh i dunno its a toughy.

    But im still a novice so its good reading the detailed posts esp by Talon on the thought process, i just normally get a headache afterwoods! lol
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    edited February 2010

    check the flop and hope someone hits the the turn, hope for some one to bet out and then flat call on the turn, then raise any bet on the river or bet about half the pot if its checked to you!  this is probably why im rubbish! lol

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    edited February 2010
    if some1 has 7,9 in their hand then u are now behind, which is possible especially in an un-raised pot.
    personally i'd just call  the bet and re value on river depending on the card but i am rubbish anyway!
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    edited February 2010
    In Response to Re: So, we hit this Flop HARD. But what do we do now?:
    if some1 has 7,9 in their hand then u are now behind, which is possible especially in an un-raised pot. personally i'd just call  the bet and re value on river depending on the card but i am rubbish anyway!
    Posted by chrisbhoy
    A flush beats a straight (even in Omaha :-) ) therefore Simon is still holding the nuts after the turn.
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    edited February 2010
    I think I put in a weak looking bet here, maybe about 1/2 of the pot, looking to represent a straight which is trying to see if its any good.  I'm hoping worse flushes, come over the top, in which case I will repot them.
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    edited February 2010
    it seems a basic game of let them  bet and play catch up ,

    and 1/2 pot reraise or raise on on the river .

    a game of don't lose the customer .
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    edited February 2010

    In fact, on the Turn, the BB Bet, the SB called, & Simon Potted it. He only gets called now, & then not deffo, by someone with a Set, looking to fill up. Both Passed.

    With 4 players left, Simon held a big chip lead, & a Deal was done, with Simon locking up €19,000, (it was €7k for 4th, & €15k for 2nd I think), with €4,750 left to play for. Pete Tong then arrived, & Simon finished 4th, but took the biggest cash. When it got Heads Up, the two guys chopped the €4,750.

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