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River Decision

edited March 2017 in Cash Strategy
ALTiltYou Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £70.07
Turdip Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £42.30
MS6109 Sit out     
cafc95 Sit out     
  Your hole cards
  • 2
  • 2
Alanbailey Call   £0.50 £1.25 £4.50
luma7801 Fold     
ALTiltYou Call   £0.25 £1.50 £69.82
Turdip Raise   £1.00 £2.50 £41.30
Alanbailey Call   £1.00 £3.50 £3.50
ALTiltYou Call   £1.00 £4.50 £68.82
  • 2
  • 10
  • J
ALTiltYou Check     
Turdip Check     
Alanbailey Check     
  • 3
ALTiltYou Bet   £2.25 £6.75 £66.57
Turdip Call   £2.25 £9.00 £39.05
Alanbailey Fold     
  • 8
ALTiltYou Bet   £5.00 £14.00 £61.57
Turdip Raise   £15.00 £29.00 £24.05 


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    edited October 2016
    I'm putting them all-in all here.

    Might be coolered with set under set but the min raise from the bb unlikely to be TT JJ 88. 9Q seems even more unlikely so on balance i would put them on 2 pair, or an overpair often enough to shove and want a call and added to bluff possibilities I think it more than balances the less likely hands we are behind to, 

    If we are behind I would guess 33 is the more likely villain holding.
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    edited November 2016
    I think that having called the raise pre to hit a 2 and then doing just that we have to go all the way on this one. Whilst we are behind to 9 Q and 7 9 are they really hands that the villain would raise with pre so its only 33 that youre worried about. He could even have missed a heart draw playing Ah Qh or Ah Kh.

    Therefore its a call for me, but then again i dont play at those stakes so what do I know

    yours in poker
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    edited November 2016
    It's flat call / fold no value in raising with no info on the opponent given. Il go more in depth why later but I'd expect to be beat by a higher set here although I mostly call anyway
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    edited November 2016
    Yeah I flat call as well unless we have any notes on villain playing particularly spewy.  There aren't many that raise for thin value on the river so nothing worse can call if we jam.

    I'm sure there is a case to b/f but I'm not good enough to fold sets unless there is a very obvious better hand out there (ie 22 on a 2TJQK 4-flush board).

    I'd suggest there is also a case for going larger on the turn and river - possibly even consider donking the flop MW.  Plenty of draws, Jx and Tx hands that will call more there.
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    edited November 2016
    Depending on how what ive seen villian play would affect my choice. First thing that come to my mind is missed the flush draw and trying to steal the pot. Would be hard to get away from for me personally but im no great player. What do most here think is the correct move and why? curious to see how others see it.
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    edited February 2017
    Totally standard call. We should not be folding our strongest hands on the river here and a set is one of them. Raising is never an option when villain can have better sets and a straight on this river.

    As for the rest of the hand 1) You can consider leading the flop as you get called/raised by anything that bets for value anyway and also get called at least once by hands that could check back (under pairs, AK/AQ, Tx). 2) Turn bet bigger for sure. If they have a hand they are wanting to call one bet with to either improve or just to get to the river cheaply charge them for it.

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    edited February 2017
    Lead the flop, bet bigger on the turn and just flat the river if were readless.
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    edited March 2017
    I'd raise pre, but everyone says Im wrong

    Call river
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