Sky Poker forums will be temporarily unavailable from 11pm Wednesday July 25th.
Sky Poker Forums is upgrading its look! Stay tuned for the big reveal!
Just thought I'd add my two penn'orth to this:-
1. Completely agree
2. Completely agree-this was why the last game in the Mini didn't work well
3. That's got to be worth a go
4. Don't agree with this 1-i want everyone to have a chance, not just the grinders
5. Point taken, but think it was sufficient last time. Special avatar for series winner?
PS-would be good to have 1 day of the Mini devoted to you 4-card weirdoes

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New keyboard please, I'm a big fan of understatement, & I have to say, that did cause a monumental rofl.
Hi guys,
First up, it's great that Graham, & Frinton Bloke take the time & trouble to put forward suggestions, & Grumpy Jack weighed in with a funny, as he does once a year without fail, & they are genuinely appreciated.
The keener eyed amongst you will deduce from that sentence that a but follows.....
The planning & gestation period for all Promos, including UKOPS, is 2 to 3 months minimum, so December & January are already firmed up, & February is pencilled in.
So UKOPS is already finalised, & has been for some time, the assets have been created, the schedule agreed, da de da.
James, who has the first responsibility (reporting to Sam primarily) for designing & planning UKOPS will read the thread though, & I'll send it them just to be sure. Also involved in planning these things is Mark, Justin & Kirsty.
The Landing Page for Xmas UKOPS 2016 (which Kirsty is responsible for) will go "Live" next Friday, 9th December, & at the same time, a UKOPS Preview Blog will also appear, together with a forum thread.
Until then, I'm afraid you'll have to talk amongst yourselves, because Sky Poker don't want any spoilers.
It's like an Xmas pressie, it's a secret.