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When PROGRESS isn't really progress!?

edited February 2017 in Cash Strategy
OK, so the "mini" swing's are happening, on an average day 150-200 per day mtt's and cash. up and down, i have found myself in the exact same situation on multiple occations. either here have like around 1.5k for Skypoker..  literally cannot get past 1.5k here.-or for stars i tried every way possible could not get past 5k (and still can't) not sure what the hell is up w/it on both parts. not that i keep full rolll's on sites but god, starting to think it's a phcological?! not right<< what ev's. might try the 10k poker points just for rake back in december. might be a challenge, have to work for it. advice?.... thanx GL.


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    edited December 2016
    It might be that you are focusing to much on getting past certain numbers and it is effecting your game. All you can do is make good decisions when you play. If you arent sure on some spots then post hands in the clinic and work on your game. Sometimes we play well and the results dont happen, sometimes we have better results than our play deserves. If you focus too much on short term results in poker you will be dissapointed more often than not. Dont focus on the balance, focus on sessions where you play optimally. Worry about optimal plays and the balance will take care of itself. 
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    edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: When PROGRESS isn't really progress!?:
    thanks man, to be honest aswell when i wrote this i was pretty tilted up lol. lost 10 BI's in 5 mins @ cash. after looking back through hands i was trying to push the action when in  the hole, doesnt work to good.
    And yoo, i know you grind out sky a ton, just woundering if you get much rake back and if possible how much just because i was thinking of playing mainly sky and grinding out some sky points for it?!? thanks man GL at the tables!

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    edited December 2016
    as bleak as this comment may be OP, it sounds like you need a reality check. Perhaps you can't conquer the £1.5k bankroll mark because you simply aren't a winning player? Have you considered that? Or is it all psychological? 
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    edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: When PROGRESS isn't really progress!?:
    In Response to Re: When PROGRESS isn't really progress!? : thanks man, to be honest aswell when i wrote this i was pretty tilted up lol. lost 10 BI's in 5 mins @ cash. after looking back through hands i was trying to push the action when in  the hole, doesnt work to good. And yoo, i know you grind out sky a ton, just woundering if you get much rake back and if possible how much just because i was thinking of playing mainly sky and grinding out some sky points for it?!? thanks man GL at the tables!
    Posted by jamstawick
    You can check the rake-back under the Priority tab on Sky Poker at the top of the page. You can potentially earn upto 20% rake-back.
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    edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: When PROGRESS isn't really progress!?:
    In Response to Re: When PROGRESS isn't really progress!? : You can check the rake-back under the Priority tab on Sky Poker at the top of the page. You can potentially earn upto 20% rake-back.
    Posted by PkDevil
    You can earn more than that
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    edited December 2016
    up's and down's mate, need to stop and focus on 1 or maybe 2 game format's. been playing PLO cash, NL cash, MTT's and S N G's. maybe just get the best i can be in ones of the above....

    and as for rake back you need to earn 10k points for 10% back a month plus £50 a week because on average 2500 points per week=£50. the more the better i have'nt really tried for it yet tbh.

    GL at the table's!
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    edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: When PROGRESS isn't really progress!?:
    as bleak as this comment may be OP, it sounds like you need a reality check. Perhaps you can't conquer the £1.5k bankroll mark because you simply aren't a winning player? Have you considered that? Or is it all psychological? 
    Posted by percival09
    Never cosidering i have done it on countless sites, never even use to play mtts either only cash. And my only losing year was 2011. So yup hope this answers your question. GL @ The chables m8
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    edited January 2017
    If it genuinely is as simple as a psychological problem stopping you getting past a £1.5k balance then the obvious answer is to withdraw down to say £750, then when you win that £750 back and you're back to £1500, just withdraw £750 again, rinse and repeat, problem solved :D
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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: When PROGRESS isn't really progress!?:
    If it genuinely is as simple as a psychological problem stopping you getting past a £1.5k balance then the obvious answer is to withdraw down to say £750, then when you win that £750 back and you're back to £1500, just withdraw £750 again, rinse and repeat, problem solved :D
    Posted by Lambert180

    I was kind of doing that, never kept much on the site TBH switching sites but was considering moving to live full time or sky fulltime. but it was deffo around that 1.5k-ish mark where it would just go down hill lol. crazy sky :P
    GL at the tables m8

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    edited February 2017
    Don't play for rake, don't play for profits or you will play for years and little progress.  Work on a process that gives you the best chances to play your A game every time.  

    It's good to expand your knowledge and understanding of poker by mastering multiple discliplines, however focus on one discipline at a time.  Choose the one that you have the best results in and/or enjoy the most and STUDY IT HARD!  

    The real profits from poker are made off the tables.

    Focus always on improving your game, consider every time you play as a learning experience - before you play set your intentions for what you intend to achieve that session - e.g. improving play in 3 bet pots, 

    Make some goals and track your progress.  MTTs are lose lose lose then 1 big win and then back to losing, its a long journey.

    Cash is a grind :)


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