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Possibly my worst or best ever fold, thoughts please -

Player was playing quite steady, this could be their best ever bluff

kalooki8Small blind 40.0040.004082.50
Wacko90Big blind 80.00120.002670.00
 Your hole cards
  • A
  • A
undereppinRaise 160.00280.009855.00
kalooki8Raise 335.00615.003747.50
undereppinCall 215.00830.009640.00
  • 10
  • J
  • Q
kalooki8Bet 200.001030.003547.50
undereppinCall 200.001230.009440.00
  • 9
  • K
kalooki8Bet 922.502152.502625.00
undereppinRaise 3997.506150.005442.50
undereppinWin 3075.00 8517.50
undereppinReturn 3075.000.0011592.50


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    edited December 2016
    i personaly am not folding if he has it then best of luck to him there is too many other cards he could have a heart or ace did he let you know what he had ?
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    edited December 2016
    In Response to Re: Possibly my worst or best ever fold, thoughts please -:
    i personaly am not folding if he has it then best of luck to him there is too many other cards he could have a heart or ace did he let you know what he had ?
    Posted by weecheez1
    Unfortunately no, I think you may be right, however with 4 hearts on the board I don't think he had the 8 or a basic straight he'd just call, no full house possible so imo he had either the J of hearts or it was a great board to play a big bluff. With only a 15 second time clock it's not easy to think it fully through.

    I think looking back and with more time I should call but I'm still unsure.
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    edited December 2016
    I don't think you should ever be folding here. 
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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Possibly my worst or best ever fold, thoughts please -:
    I think you should have 3-bet bigger pre, bet at least half pot on the flop, which would have made you pot committed by the river anyway... As played I personally think you are behind, There is no reason why you shouldnt have the ace/Jack of hearts which makes it a bad spot to bluff. But without very solid reads on your opponent then calling would never be a bad decision. 
    Posted by jordz16
    Hi Jordz, I tend to agree though I'm happy with my pre-flop raise, it was more than what was already in the pot however my continuation bet as pointed out was weak on a straighty, flushy board especially as I had the Ace. I think you're right he was ahead as he did call my pre-flop and weak continuation bets. It was a great board to bluff at but I think he had the JH, I'll never know
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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Possibly my worst or best ever fold, thoughts please -:
    In Response to Re: Possibly my worst or best ever fold, thoughts please - : Hi Jordz, I tend to agree though I'm happy with my pre-flop raise, it was more than what was already in the pot however my continuation bet as pointed out was weak on a straighty, flushy board especially as I had the Ace. I think you're right he was ahead as he did call my pre-flop and weak continuation bets. It was a great board to bluff at but I think he had the JH, I'll never know
    Posted by kalooki8
     Hey mate....i had it, awesome fold with the A...wp
  • Options
    edited March 2017
    Ridiculously good fold, don't think I could ever find that.
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