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Our move?

edited January 2017 in Sit & Go Strategy
Tikay has got this place going again so it thought I'd post a hand.

Interesting spot from a £22 dym

Bubble - blinds 75/150

Reg raises to 1200 from 1280

Reckless in sb goes all in for 6500.

I'm in bb with QQ and 2300

It's on us. We?


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    edited January 2017
    grim, I think we're supposed to fold
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    edited January 2017
    Mutter a swear word at SB and fold. That is if we think original raiser is always folding if we call.
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    edited January 2017
    I Know this hand, but as I said at the time. I fold and congratulate the SB on his grasp of DYM strat. There was a very interesting point of veiw put across by another, would be good if he posted here (I wont say a name in case he doesn't want to)
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    edited January 2017
    Prob call

    also we just have to beat one of them to either

    a- win the game

    b - still have 2k behind

    we would be very unlucky to lose to both

    PS i love it when this player raises 99% of his stack to protect his stats :)
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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Our move?:
    Prob call also we just have to beat one of them to either a- win the game b - still have 2k behind we would be very unlucky to lose to both PS i love it when this player raises 99% of his stack to protect his stats :)
    Posted by stuarty117
    If we lose to sb how do we have 2k behind?

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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Our move?:
    In Response to Re: Our move? : If we lose to sb how do we have 2k behind?
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    Because you beat the big stack and double up the remainder.

    EDIT - SB is the big stack, but not how I read Stu's post above!
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    edited January 2017
    I forgot guy still has 80 chips behind maybe its a fold then

    plus i didnt say if we lost to sb i was thinking first guy was allin

    If first guy was allin

    guy A wins and we beat SB come 2nd in the hand we have 2k behind

    SB wins hand we cash

    SB and first guy have to beat us to lose which would be unlucky

    but as i said forgot he left 80 behind so he may fold but then we are still in great shape imo

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    edited January 2017
    I,m calling that - anything less than QQ and i,m folding tho
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    edited January 2017
    Think I'm folding. 

    Assuming small stack calls (more on that in a bit), just fired three hands into a calculator AQ vs QQ vs 10's and queens only 53% fav. On the other hand the other two hands are 19% and 24% favs and if one of them loses we're ok.

    But the 80 left back by the shorty prob makes it even more of a fold. Your range has to be super tight there to call and the reg will know that he's looking at QQ-AA. So will prob fold hoping for a miracle assuming he doesnt have aa himself.

    Looking at from shorties point of view is interesting too, putting yourself in his shoes what would/should he call with if you call?
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    edited January 2017
    As above note that the SB is a bit of a **** and fold annoying if he doubles but it's a free chance at cashing 
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    edited January 2017
    I wonder who the reg is and why he didn't just shove ;)
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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Our move?:
    I wonder who the reg is and why he didn't just shove ;)
    Posted by RLT16

    Maybe his hoody was restricting his vision?
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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Our move?:
    In Response to Re: Our move? : Maybe his hoody was restricting his vision?
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    It's almost like that was scripted 
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    edited January 2017
    Sigh fold.

    Maybe the raiser left chips behind because he wasn't finished with the hand?
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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Our move?:
    Think I'm folding.  Assuming small stack calls (more on that in a bit), just fired three hands into a calculator AQ vs QQ vs 10's and queens only 53% fav. On the other hand the other two hands are 19% and 24% favs and if one of them loses we're ok. But the 80 left back by the shorty prob makes it even more of a fold. Your range has to be super tight there to call and the reg will know that he's looking at QQ-AA. So will prob fold hoping for a miracle assuming he doesnt have aa himself. Looking at from shorties point of view is interesting too, putting yourself in his shoes what would/should he call with if you call?
    Posted by jdsallstar

    connectors and suited gappers would be a pretty good range, the 2 bigger stacks 'should' be very narrow here, so any live cards would be a fairly good gamble.
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    edited January 2017
    I'm fairly sure that the button will fold If we call if that helps
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    edited January 2017
    Classic DYM bubble puke spot.

    I think it's a fold.  Credit to the button, I don't think that tactic works as much as people give it credit for but in cases like this it's a beaut.  What helps us is I make it the other guy in the hand will be on around 2k as well.

    And yes, the button will fold to a call off from us a bunch here.
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    edited January 2017
    In Response to Re: Our move?:
    Classic DYM bubble puke spot. I think it's a fold.  Credit to the button, I don't think that tactic works as much as people give it credit for but in cases like this it's a beaut.  What helps us is I make it the other guy in the hand will be on around 2k as well. And yes, the button will fold to a call off from us a bunch here.
    Posted by TommyD
    Yeah absolutely
    There are a couple of reasons why the button does this and as you say in this scenario it works perfectly.
    It's obviously not a great play from the sb and it leaves us in a very difficult spot.

    A few things need to be considered before we act.
    The regs range are any 2 here.
    The sb is by no means suoer strong.
    If I do call I expect the button will get out of the way and so rather than having to beat 2 hands we only have to beat the sb
    If we do call and win then we're locked.
    If we fold and the reg wins then we're now the short stack.

    We have a chance to fold and the game could well be over
    The huge tilt factor of us calling and the reg folding and us losing to some random sb hand is very large.
    If we fold and it does go wrong then we're still in decent shape on the bubble.

    Horrid spot. It's absolutely borderline. I call aces, although that might still be wrong? and probably Kings in game as well. 
    I passed and I'm happy with the decision.
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