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Lobby improvement

edited February 2017 in Feedback & Suggestions
I often like to tag players in certain games, eg) green if they're a winning reg, red if a losing reg. 
I think it would be a good idea to show what we have players tagged as in the lobby before we opt to register.
currently we only see tags and notes on players when the table has started


  • Options
    edited January 2017
    not sure that the player pool is big enough to need it, you get to know who to avoid pretty quickly without the tags in lobbies, and once you know who to avoid you also know who to sit with :)
  • Options
    edited February 2017
    I would like to be able to take notes on players who are in the lobby , or just put notes onto players when I am not playing tournies. Perhaps the software could be improved to allow this, just a thought
    . In Response to Re: Lobby improvement:
    not sure that the player pool is big enough to need it, you get to know who to avoid pretty quickly without the tags in lobbies, and once you know who to avoid you also know who to sit with :)
    Posted by RLT16
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