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Poker Clinic - your Forum needs YOU
Morning all.
Sometimes this Forum is a bit uphill.
If it just becomes the place people pop into for Free Entry Comps, or complain about this & that, it ain't ever gonna be much good, we need a bit more breadth.
The Poker Clinic had stagnated, & then we had a bit of luck this week, after I posed a simple question. Last time I looked, that one question had resulted in nearly 200 replies.
Since then, several others have asked questions, & all of them are being discussed constructively. It's great, it really is.
Opinions varied wildly, with some of our seriously big winners coming in with contradicting views. Few of us reading it could fail to learn something.
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There are 4 sections in the Clinic;
Poker Clinic (General & non-specific poker questions & discussions).
Cash games
So far only the SNG/DYM section has come back to life, so if you can come up with interesting stuff for the other sections, it'd be well good.
Questions can be by ANYONE.
To a degree, our more senior players are the key to this. Whether they pose the questions, or chime in with answers, they, more than any, will help us all to get just a bit better at this game.
Handy Hints
Avoid disguised bad beat stories. It'll cost you 50p in the tin for every bad beat story in there.
No chirping.
Do NOT reveal "what happened", let the thread breathe first & then, if appropriate, do the reveal. Results orientated thinking (ROT) is really bad, & very powerful, & it affects our judgement.
I'll be happy to review a few hands, answer a few questions, (either on here or in the poker clinic), if people are interested in my limited opinions.
I'll also endeavour to complete my UKPC hand review thread, which kind of got side tracked as I was dealing with all the charity stuff.