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Straight Forward?

We have top 4 stack with 30 or so left in mini bh.

Seemed straight forward in play but not so sure now.

Have we all three options available with stack size ?

What would you do ?


day4eire76          Small blind                          800.00   800.00   67104.71

bbbbbbbbb        Big blind                               1600.00                 2400.00                 44963.50

                Your hole cards




UTG                 All-in                      14760.00              17160.00              0.00

MRBLEWPIE       Fold                                                      

xxxxxxxxx              Call                         14760.00              31920.00              48144.00



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    edited January 2017
     Small blind  800.00 800.00 67104.71
    bbbbbbbbb Big blind 1600.00 2400.00 44963.50
     Your hole cards77  
    UTG All-in14760.00  17160.00 0.00
    xxxxxxxxxCall 14760.00  31920.00 48144.00
    HOpe you dont mind if i straighten it up.
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    edited January 2017

    Thank you couldn't figure it out

    In Response to Re: Straight Forward?:
      day4eire76  Small blind   800.00  800.00  67104.71 bbbbbbbbb  Big blind  1600.00  2400.00  44963.50   Your hole cards 77                         UTG  All-in 14760.00   17160.00  0.00   Fold       xxxxxxxxx Call  14760.00   31920.00  48144.00 day4eire76 ??       HOpe you dont mind if i straighten it up.
    Posted by mumsie
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    edited January 2017
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    edited January 2017
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    edited January 2017

    In isolation I probably sigh fold, albeit in game (and dependant on which music I have on :-)) I may not....

    I am certainly tempted to at least see a flop, isolating with 77 is risky even with solid notes on caller, but perhaps we should be risking a bit here? 

    Better players than me can probably tell you.

    I am interested in the answer and the reasons as I do find myself bleeding chips away in spots like this, pretty sure a seasoned MTT player will have a good explanation (if thats not the case perhaps Jon will comment :-)) 

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    edited January 2017
    This Is a great question. It shows me my many insecurities in this great game.

    On a Tuesday, I would Shove, flipping for a bounty and an utg fold.

    Another day , shove day , and xxxxxx calls with KK and im trapped.

    Sometimes I flat and reassess . Sometimes I fold.

    Sometimes I think, what would have Tomgoodun done this week ?

    Im with HendriK , a partial fence sitter.

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    edited January 2017
    I think readless its a fold here. I dont see the need to get involved and dont think we are in very good shape v their ranges.
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    edited January 2017
    Fold for me - unless I have a note that xxxxxxxx is 'crazy for bounties Q2o!!!!' or some such, then I will shove.
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    edited January 2017
    I'm never flatting. It'd always be a fold or shove for me but I'd go for a fold readless. If I was gonna jam, I'd want the flat calling guy to be the really fishy type that calls spots like this far too often with junk like A4o etc so he can chase the bounty which tbf you do get A LOT of in BHs, but I'd fold until I knew they were that type.
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    edited February 2017

    Looks like a good spot to move all in for me, with the bounty equity. 

    I think you can remove alot of hands from xxxx's range.

    Hands like 88/99/TT/JJ maybe even QQ you'd expect to isolate the bounty, (as well as the AK/AQ/AJs, which is less significant when we have 77)

    So I think he flats lots of things like AJ/AT/A9s/A8s/77/66/55/44/KQs/KJs, and also AA/KK.

    Against the above range, we have 54% equity if he never folds, and bucket loads of fold equity. 

    We're almost never up against a better hand. 

    We also have the bounty equity of the utg guy, whos range we also do fine against. 

    Most of the time I expect to shove and end up gambling for a triple up and a bounty with 40-60% equity.

    I'll have abit of that :)


    Sometimes you put it in and bust in 30th though.
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    edited February 2017
    I also am intrigued by this.  

    I'm gonna say readless DEF fold. 

    However, depending on how I'm flopping on the night & reads...
    I'd possibly shove.

    Those small pocket pairs can getya in trouble tho... :-(
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    edited February 2017
    Sometimes a spot that is + Chip EV can be  - Monetary EV. I'd lean more towards a fold
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    edited February 2017
    Sometimes a spot that is + Chip EV can be  - Monetary EV. I'd lean more towards a fold
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    edited March 2017
    tough spot you were in there,
    The amount of cash the calling player has on his head is also very important information,  to make a calculation of risk vs reward his bounty is a decisive factor for sure.  If you win vs both of them you would take both their bounties.

     I am just switching to tourney's now from spin ups. It's a similar spin up spot that you often find yourself in. With no notes on the player it is tricky.  The xxx player didn't shove to close you out, just called.  could they fold their call is the question.  If they could fold then you may as well shove, their dead money makes it correct.  if they are trappy then they might have a monster.  I would shove if i was feeling good and fold if I was running like normal, i would imagine you are going to win around half the time and lose half the time, tripling up when you win + bounty(s), and losing just the all in players amount some times and the other players bigger amount as well  some times.  

    I don't think there is a correct way to play this situation, it is similar to many spots we find ourselves in where either way could be correct.  Fortune favours the bold, but if you shove and he flips kk you feel silly.... 

    Nice thought provoking post, thanks
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