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Turbo DYM

edited January 2017 in Sit & Go Strategy
£2 Turbo DYM - 5 left . I  normally shove with this as below  and it looked and felt right, but after running it through an ICM calc it seemed for it to be profitable i,d have to put the other players on hand ranges of up to 7.5 % (roughly)  which i didn,t realy do so its coming up as a fold. Still looks like a snap shove to me tho  

Just wondering what others would do?

EDIT : Looked at it again and realised i,d put myself in the cut off instead off on the button when calculating it.. Didn,t realise it would make such a deifference tho- still looks like a shove from the cut off but not sure about from UTG ??? Is anyone shoving from UTG here with this hand


Small blind   50.00 50.00 1750.00
MrCoxy Big blind   100.00 150.00 960.00
  Your hole cards
  • 6
  • 6
ngc001 Fold        
Vanman60 Fold        
MP33 All-in   895.00 1045.00 0.00
Call   845.00 1890.00 905.00
MrCoxy Fold        
  • A
  • K
MP33 Show
  • 6
  • 6
  • 10
  • 2
  • 8
  • 2
  • 7
MP33 Win Two Pairs, 6s and 2s 1890.00   1890.00


  • Options
    edited January 2017
    I'd deffo be jamming 9bb on the button here with 66. We don't hate a call but we're more than happy to jut get folds. 

    I don't know what you mean about you need to put villians on 7.5% ranges to make it profitable, are you saying it's only profitable if they call our jam with 7.5% of hands? Or you need them to be calling with more or less than 7.5% of hands?

    Fwiw, I'm 99% this jam is +EV against any calling range you could imagine.
  • Options
    edited January 2017
    Yeah - its deffo a jam from button. I was gonna delete the post when i realised i,d calculated it wrong but wss wondering what people do from UTG here. I still think its a shove from the cut off tho. ( Can,t remember that ICM calc and its still pretty confusing to me - haven,t really used them much - i,ll have to run it again when i,ve got more time and i,ll do one from UTG and see what that comes up with
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