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Satellite play right or wrong

blinds 75/150 I UTG at a 4 handed table 9 left in tourn 5 players get ticket I am in 5th place but 2 players below me have similar stack, i raise UTG to 320 sb call with 6200 chips bb AI 4800 chips sb folds the way he was playing 90% sure I would be in front I call with AQo he turn over AJo he hit J I am almost out with 200 chips. Was I right to call or should I fold, I still think I was right to call.


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    edited February 2017
    So you start the hand with 5k ish at 75/150?

    Still looks pretty deep for a satty so I'm not in love calling this off for what effectively is our stack. We're gonna have the best hand some of the time (indeed 4 handed AQ will often be the best hand), but I think we have too many chips to be going with this hand facing this action.

    We're a lock for a seat if we win but the risk of being basically out if we lose leans me towards a fold. If we had less chips it would become a clearer decision but I think we have enough behind to let this go.

    Other stack sizes left in and the general standard of play on the table (the dynamic, do they understand sat play? etc) would be useful :)
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    edited March 2017
    i recon you did the right thing, tough to fold aq after putting in the raise, you were fav 70-30 aq vs aj.  Ul with the flop, i would have shoved maybe you win with out the flop, you were calling anyway so might as well ship it in i recon, 
    good luck
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    edited March 2017
    Has to be an easy fold in a sat. He's came over the top of our raise by 30bb's and we are not even closing the action. His range has to be heavily pair weighted and AJ+, we're behind nearly all that range. If his range is a lot wider we're still going to lose 30% of the time against any two cards. No need to risk when we have a very playable stack.

    Open shoving 30 bb's would also be an awful play given our stack size.
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    edited March 2017
    Yeah pretty easy fold for me. There's probably a solid argument to fold in a regular MTT when it's such a huge overjam (unless we have reads they're really spewy) but in a satellite and with it being for most of our stack I don't think we should call no matter how mental the player is. Even if we knew he was literally jamming blind/any two cards, he's still gonna have 40% equity a huge amount of the time which is a disaster for us in a satellite.
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