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DYM bubble,,,, what now?

edited February 2017 in Sit & Go Strategy
Always seem to find myself in these situations

.. Do we take a punt and risk shortie cashing?

I got 1575.   SB still to play.
SChadders Small blind   50.00 50.00 1790.00
MagicTrick Big blind   100.00 150.00 705.00
  Your hole cards
  • Q
  • Q
barney2631 All-in   1830.00 1980.00 0.00
davelufc ??


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    edited February 2017

    If you are on the bubble with 3 other equal stacks and equal ability you should cash 3/4 times and have 75% equity.

    The shortie is not desparately short yet so it's not like you are totally locked for the cash but you must be 80%+.

    We can pretty much discount action behind us.

    A double up virtually guarantees the cash but lose and we are out.

    We have all called and bust and folded and bust later and wished we went with qq while we had it.

    I would fold as on balance we dont have better equity in this hand than we do in the game already.

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    edited February 2017
    Have to disagree with phantom here you are the second bottom stack here if the BB folds then it's could end up you or him and you would want your QQ back  barney does not have to be that strong here 
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    edited February 2017
    ^^^ Good. I was expecting pelters tbh.

    Already been challenged offline on this one.

    In game I probably just snap call tbh unless the spidey senses put shover on AA KK for some reason.

    Just thinking about the numbers we are probably something like 65-70% vs opponents range so one arguement is we would be more than happy with that as an overall cash rate so call.

    Doesnt really matter we are 2nd shorty, we are roughly equal with 2 other players and the other has less than half our stack if they fold.

    If we are comfortable at the table I would argue (maybe not convincgly) that our overall equity in this game is better if we fold.
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    edited February 2017
    I call, difficult to imagine that we have such a large edge that we shouldn't take this opportunity to cash.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: DYM bubble,,,, what now?:
    I call, difficult to imagine that we have such a large edge that we shouldn't take this opportunity to cash.
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    agree call, turbos blinds go up so quick gotta go with it 2 orbits time you could be kicking yourself
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    edited February 2017
    My bad. Hadn't twigged it was a turbo. Agree with a call now.
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    edited February 2017
    Thanks all for the replies. i forgot to mention indeed it was a turbo DYM. sry

    It probably does make a big difference in the decision making

    Ty Phantom, you give some great advice as do the rest of you.

    Here`s how it played out,, worked out ok either way i suppose!!
    SChadders Small blind   50.00 50.00 1790.00
    MagicTrick Big blind   100.00 150.00 705.00
      Your hole cards
    • Q
    • Q
    barney2631 All-in   1830.00 1980.00 0.00
    davelufc Fold     
    SChadders Call   1780.00 3760.00 10.00
    MagicTrick Fold     
    SChadders Show
    • K
    • K
    barney2631 Show
    • J
    • J
    • 9
    • Q
    • 3
    • 10
    • A
    SChadders Win Pair of Kings 3760.00   3770.00
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: DYM bubble,,,, what now?:
    If you are on the bubble with 3 other equal stacks and equal ability you should cash 3/4 times and have 75% equity. The shortie is not desparately short yet so it's not like you are totally locked for the cash but you must be 80%+. We can pretty much discount action behind us. A double up virtually guarantees the cash but lose and we are out. We have all called and bust and folded and bust later and wished we went with qq while we had it. I would fold as on balance we dont have better equity in this hand than we do in the game already.
    Posted by Phantom66

    Is this logic going to get us into trouble as we are going to fold everything and as we do this our % to cash will reduce every hand.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: DYM bubble,,,, what now?:
    In Response to Re: DYM bubble,,,, what now? : Is this logic going to get us into trouble as we are going to fold everything and as we do this our % to cash will reduce every hand.
    Posted by MattBates
    QQ is a bit of an extreme position and I have modified my thoughts on this specific hand, especially realising it was a turbo.

    Obviously meta game and adjustments will be made in reg v reg situations - if our opponent thinks we are folding QQ here we are very exploitable. 

    In general though with a short stack at the table we need to think carefully before calling for our tournament life v a larger stack. What I fold to an allin by a covering stack with a short stack at the table is very different to what I will open with, or call v a short stack, or indeed call v a covering stack when I am the shortie.
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