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edited February 2017 in Tournament Strategy
OK ladies and gentlemen now that we have some PLO8 bounty hunters up and running I for one need to improve my game. The first few I have played I have done OK but not taken many bounties, I have also played most of the early and mid stages as a short stack, this one went a little differently and I actually had a half decent stack sitting somewhere like 11th out of 33 when this hand played out. Unfortunately four of the other players had larger stacks with one shorty.

Anyway player  X is the small stack and the raise by Y looks very much like an attempt to try and win the bounty. I call pre and get a pretty good flop but unfortunately both others have hit it as well. 

My question is should I play this differently, should I fold (pre or post flop)? It seemed a shame to go out with a playable stack when I am getting my whole stack in needing to hit.

Comments and constructive criticism welcome and if others want to post hands feel free.


Small blind   150.00 150.00 696.87
UrABawBag2 Big blind   300.00 450.00 8850.00
  Your hole cards
  • A
  • 2
  • Q
  • 4
pomfrittes Call   300.00 750.00 8789.99
Raise   1200.00 1950.00 8681.25
resusbabe5 Fold        
Enut Call   1200.00 3150.00 6171.25
All-in   696.87 3846.87 0.00
UrABawBag2 Fold        
pomfrittes Call   900.00 4746.87 7889.99
  • 3
  • 5
  • 3
pomfrittes Check        
Bet   4746.87 9493.74 3934.38
Enut All-in   6171.25 15664.99 0.00
pomfrittes Fold        
Call   1424.38 17089.37 2510.00
  • A
  • 3
  • 5
  • J
  • 9
  • 2
  • 3
  • 9
Enut Show
  • A
  • 2
  • Q
  • 4
  • J
  • K
Win high Full House, 3s and Jacks 3687.48   3687.48
Win high Three 3s 13401.89   15911.89
  No qualifying low hand      


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    edited February 2017
    We shouldn't really be drawing to win half a pot which I think we almost certainly are given the 2x3's on the board and 3 opponents in the hand. We could also hit the low and still be quartered.

    edit:rethink. OK so we could still be drawing to scoop and just behind to trips.

    I think we are deep enough to get away post flop as played. after rethink I'm with Marky

    I would still be tempted to repot pre though, I think our hand is good enough to a limper and a player who may well be trying to isolate the short stack as you say. Potentially doubling our stack HU v the initial raiser is probably worth more than the indovidual bounty should the shortie get out of the way.

    DISCLAIMER: I haven't played any of these yet so I don't really know how the B/H element is afffecting play. 

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    edited February 2017
    Played perfectly if not close to perfect in my opinion Enut.

    Just one to chalk up to not running good and wait for the other side of the variance coin to show up in future.

    If there was an area that is debatable or where differing opinions may emerge it would be whether to 3bet preflop. In my opinion the flat call is correct though in this spot. The player who pots it looks like they may be bounty hunting, if this is the case it doesn't really look like they are scared to play for stacks and are trying to get in cheap so I would assume they are calling. There is also pom to think about and maybe the raising player is actually bounty hunting with an actual big hand.

    Therefore I would be flatting and re-evaluating on the flop. On the flop you have to presume you have outs (which you do) and the pot is already decent with a bounty at stake too. If they had both checked to you on the flop then a bet of around 1500 would be the best play imo. If they raise then fair enough but if they flat call and the turn is a brick then they probably check to you again and you get to draw the river free. Then you have options as to how to procede whatever the river is. As is the case though yyyy is putting his chips in the middle and I wouldn't be going anywhere.

    There is a very strong case for flat calling the turn and trying to get pom to come along. That is just nit picking though and I would say you played the hand well. Better luck next time (unless it is a pot with me).
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    We shouldn't really be drawing to win half a pot which I think we almost certainly are given the 2x3's on the board and 3 opponents in the hand. We could also hit the low and still be quartered. I think we are deep enough to get away post flop as played. I would be tempted to repot pre though, I think our hand is good enough to a limper and a player who may well be trying to isolate the short stack as you say. Potentially doubling our stack HU v the initial raiser is probably worth more than the indovidual bounty should the shortie get out of the way. DISCLAIMER: I haven't played any of these yet so I don't really know how the B/H element is afffecting play. 
    Posted by Phantom66
    I would agree if Enut had a dry A2 draw and that would be why I wouldn't 3bet preflop (to give myself the option of folding certain flops). With the wrap straight draw for the high and the low draw though I wouldn't be folding on the flop. Some players who potted preflop will try blasting everyone out on that kind of flop with KK AA etc (or worse, especially if they are after the bounty). It is entirely possible he has the 3 but more likely than not he doesn't have 35, 55 or 33 so we should have a lot of outs.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands : I would agree if Enut had a dry A2 draw and that would be why I wouldn't 3bet preflop (to give myself the option of folding certain flops). With the wrap straight draw for the high and the low draw though I wouldn't be folding on the flop. Some players who potted preflop will try blasting everyone out on that kind of flop with KK AA etc (or worse, especially if they are after the bounty). It is entirely possible he has the 3 but more likely than not he doesn't have 35, 55 or 33 so we should have a lot of outs.
    Posted by markycash

    Yes Marky - I had a rethink when I realised we were pretty likely to be behind to trips but smaller chance we are drawing dead for the high.

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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands : Yes Marky - I had a rethink when I realised we were pretty likely to be behind to trips but smaller chance we are drawing dead for the high.
    Posted by Phantom66
    If the A2 was dry I would definitely be with you and probably fold. I just think it would be very unfortunate if we put it in here and were drawing to only half. It is possible though, someone flopped a steel wheel on me the other night :)
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    edited February 2017

    Why would we not want to go all in pre flop here for 25xbb? 

    It looks like a dream hand/spot to the untrained eye. 

    Flop we have nut low draw, udsd and a backdoor fd?  *happy face with hearts as eyes smiley*
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    Why would we not want to go all in pre flop here for 25xbb?  It looks like a dream hand/spot to the untrained eye.  Flop we have nut low draw, udsd and a backdoor fd?  *happy face with hearts as eyes smiley*
    Posted by DOHHHHHHH
    Good question :)

    I would say because OH8 isn't Hold EM and it is good to not have pacing and readiness to shove set the way we might in Hold EM (and IMO that is the nuts and bolts of it). There is a caveat though! Plenty OH8 players would 3bet pot/'effectively shove' here preflop. Would it be optimal though? I don't think so.

    There is a fair point here that the person potting it first preflop is doing so to isolate the bounty and could do so with a wide range. The problem is though IMO that (a) Even against a 1 way hand like KKTT we are not 'crushing' percentage wise, (b) there are other players in the hand, (c) it doesn't look like we have fold equity, (d) we will probably be able to find better spots & (e) they may actually have a big hand. Thus while it is unlikely we would be in awful shape if we get it AIPF (and may even be a little ahead), it is very likely to be a marginal spot to get it all in and we are likely just 'gambling'. 

    By flat calling (in good table position) we have ways out of the hand and a lot of options post flop. Our hand is a monster on certain flop textures and dead in the water on others. The flat call leaves us plenty behind and lets us evaluate which of these flop textures we have. As is often the case it is neither, and is somewhere in the middle (leaning towards the good end of the spectrum) and leaves us in a tricky spot but we have position, have seen the flop, and can make a decent informed choice. 

    Another point I would make against 3 betting preflop is that... we aren't losing too much value here even if we smash the flop. I think we would very often get another players stack all in due to the stack sizes, size of the pot, and the fact there is a bounty to be had and likely going to be a sidepot. Also by flat calling we have the chance to kick a lot of ranges out of the pot postflop that we might be in bad shape to getting it AIPF. 

    The stack sizes here are just not great for 3 bet potting it preflop either. If the pot raiser preflop had a smaller stack then I would just try and isolate them and the shortest stack.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands : Good question :) I would say because OH8 isn't Hold EM and it is good to not have pacing and readiness to shove set the way we might in Hold EM (and IMO that is the nuts and bolts of it). There is a caveat though! Plenty OH8 players would 3bet pot/'effectively shove' here preflop. Would it be optimal though? I don't think so. There is a fair point here that the person potting it first preflop is doing so to isolate the bounty and could do so with a wide range. The problem is though IMO that (a) Even against a 1 way hand like KKTT we are not 'crushing' percentage wise, (b) there are other players in the hand, (c) it doesn't look like we have fold equity, (d) we will probably be able to find better spots & (e) they may actually have a big hand. Thus while it is unlikely we would be in awful shape if we get it AIPF (and may even be a little ahead), it is very likely to be a marginal spot to get it all in and we are likely just 'gambling'.  By flat calling (in good table position) we have ways out of the hand and a lot of options post flop. Our hand is a monster on certain flop textures and dead in the water on others. The flat call leaves us plenty behind and lets us evaluate which of these flop textures we have. As is often the case it is neither, and is somewhere in the middle (leaning towards the good end of the spectrum) and leaves us in a tricky spot but we have position, have seen the flop, and can make a decent informed choice.  Another point I would make against 3 betting preflop is that... we aren't losing too much value here even if we smash the flop. I think we would very often get another players stack all in due to the stack sizes, size of the pot, and the fact there is a bounty to be had and likely going to be a sidepot. Also by flat calling we have the chance to kick a lot of ranges out of the pot postflop that we might be in bad shape to getting it AIPF.  The stack sizes here are just not great for 3 bet potting it preflop either. If the pot raiser preflop had a smaller stack then I would just try and isolate them and the shortest stack.
    Posted by markycash
    100% agree with that.

    It's O8, but A-2 is not the nuts. 

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    edited February 2017
    A-2 isn't the nuts no but be we also have the Q and a 2nd wheel card and a suited pair.

    Overall it is a top 2% hand against much weaker opening ranges. I'm generally happy to repot here. I might call in game too. We are not so deep that we can keep making calls to pot bets pre and evaluating the flop.

    I accept though for the more experienced players like Marky and Tikay you will value your edge post flop and want to see flops in position. So maybe I am just admitting I am not as good as you.

    I would keep it simple for myself and be aggressive pre here. We could get uncontested chips if everyone folds which is happy days. If the shortie calls we are likely to bring along the first raiser with a stronger range, a bounty on the line and a chance of more than a double up.

    I think if we get over a 50bb stack here this will be very valuable to us in being able to isolate short stacks and pick up chips and bounties. At the moment we are just in the pack and it's hard to find good spots.
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    edited February 2017
    Thanks for your replies gentlemen, isn't it amazing how you can spend quite some time analysing your hand after the event yet you have a matter of seconds to make the decision when in play. I would love Sky to introduce a time bank btw but as they have a problem with actually letting you see your cards on some occasions that's probably too much to ask for!

    It's quite a relief to see that I didn't get it horrendously wrong but when you go out of 2 DYMs and a MTT with pretty much the same draw in the space of about 1/2 an hour you tend to think you're getting something wrong!

    Mark summarised my thinking pretty well and much more eloquently than I could. I didn't want to reraise AIP due to the chance of running into AA2x or, more likely, a worse hand that still beat me, so elected to see a flop. The 335 flop looked pretty good to me, I wasn't worried about the small stack and I was obviously behind but figured I still had 9 outs to the wheel and 12 to the low (minus cards held by my opponents obviously).

    I ran my hand and yyyy's through an odds calculator and it made me 56% ev against his 44% (again ignoring the small stack's hand) so I guess it was just one of those hands.

    Thanks again for your comments.
  • Options
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    Thanks for your replies gentlemen, isn't it amazing how you can spend quite some time analysing your hand after the event yet you have a matter of seconds to make the decision when in play. I would love Sky to introduce a time bank btw but as they have a problem with actually letting you see your cards on some occasions that's probably too much to ask for! It's quite a relief to see that I didn't get it horrendously wrong but when you go out of 2 DYMs and a MTT with pretty much the same draw in the space of about 1/2 an hour you tend to think you're getting something wrong! Mark summarised my thinking pretty well and much more eloquently than I could. I didn't want to reraise AIP due to the chance of running into AA2x or, more likely, a worse hand that still beat me, so elected to see a flop. The 335 flop looked pretty good to me, I wasn't worried about the small stack and I was obviously behind but figured I still had 9 outs to the wheel and 12 to the low (minus cards held by my opponents obviously). I ran my hand and yyyy's through an odds calculator and it made me 56% ev against his 44% (again ignoring the small stack's hand) so I guess it was just one of those hands. Thanks again for your comments.     
    Posted by Enut
    I have you only 37% post flop, when you put your chips in.

    You were 57/43 pre. Get 'em in!   :)
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands : I have you only 37% post flop, when you put your chips in. You were 57/43 pre. Get 'em in!   :)
    Posted by Phantom66
    Isn't that when the  small stack is included in the equation? I ran it with all three and then with just me and the bigger stack. Agreed pre I was favorite, if his hand was face up I would get it all in pre defo!
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands : Isn't that when the  small stack is included in the equation? I ran it with all three and then with just me and the bigger stack. Agreed pre I was favorite, if his hand was face up I would get it all in pre defo!
    Posted by Enut
    I only ran your hand v covering stack. Obviously pre we have to judge how often we are ahead v open raisers range.

    Post we are unlucky to be drawing dead to the flopped FH for a high. We are huge favourite for the low but there is only a low 3/4 of the time.

    Omaha Hi/Lo Simulation ? 
    820 trials (Exhaustive)
    board: 3c5h3s
    HandEquityScoopsWins HiTies HiWins LoTies Lo
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    edited February 2017
    Yup 100% right.....except the covering stack is the 9932 hand
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    edited February 2017
    My evaluation for this hand differs from Marky and Tikay,and i side with DOHHHHH and Phantom.
    For 2 reasons i re-pot pre...No getting away from it it's a Top hand..('bottom of MY range obviously')and also the standard so far in the B/H tourneys has been what the dym regs call 'soft'.I would be expecting a scoop and a shade more than a double up..and the bounty!..If Enut had scooped this thread wouldn't be here,and if i was on the table i would've said 'vnh tuney'Sadly it ran out poorly..but play aggressive in B/H'S with those hands and a nice profit awaits long term!
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    edited February 2017
    Good to have different opinions, makes for good discussion :-) There are a few more reasons I would play this softer but the main one is just the stack sizes (with what looks like no fold equity) making the preflop 3bet/shove seem a needless gamble. If I had <5k or 12k> I would probably shove but not with the stacks we and our opponents have here.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    My evaluation for this hand differs from Marky and Tikay,and i side with DOHHHHH and Phantom. For 2 reasons i re-pot pre...No getting away from it it's a Top hand..('bottom of MY range obviously')and also the standard so far in the B/H tourneys has been what the dym regs call 'soft'.I would be expecting a scoop and a shade more than a double up..and the bounty!..If Enut had scooped this thread wouldn't be here,and if i was on the table i would've said 'vnh tuney'Sadly it ran out poorly..but play aggressive in B/H'S with those hands and a nice profit awaits long term! Whizzzzy
    Posted by Whizzewky
    Hi Whizzy, even though it's a top PLO8 hand it's still effectively a flip against an awful lot of hands that call me, even holdem type hands. As it transpired the covering stack 'should' probably have folded his cards if I repotted but absolutely no guarantee of that. I felt I had a bit of an edge, enough to not want to flip at that stage.

    Well done last night by the way, where did you finish?
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    Yup 100% right.....except the covering stack is the 9932 hand
    Posted by Enut

    Still if we knew we were up against a covering stack playing 9932 we would repot pre all day long.

    Not saying you or marky are wrong or played it badly at all.

    Probably more a case of style over substance to my push.
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    edited February 2017
    @Marky - Does the fact that it is a B/H make a difference here?

    100% with your call in a Freezout.

    In a B/H, yes we are risking a knockout which we don't want to do unnecessarily whatever the format, but the fact there is likely to be a bounty to take, plus the upside in equity of getting a top 3 stack as opposed to a top third stack on a table with alot of equal stacks is important imo. We should be ahead of their range, and if shortie calls and there is a bounty up for grabs the opener may call light so not always just flipping if called. The repot will also get folded to some of the time which is free chips.

    I do admit I haven't played any yet (will do hopefully when I have a bigger bankroll and a bit more time in the evenings)
  • Options
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    @Marky - Does the fact that it is a B/H make a difference here? 100% with your call in a Freezout. In a B/H, yes we are risking a knockout which we don't want to do unnecessarily whatever the format, but the fact there is likely to be a bounty to take, plus the upside in equity of getting a top 3 stack as opposed to a top third stack on a table with alot of equal stacks is important imo. We should be ahead of their range, and if shortie calls and there is a bounty up for grabs the opener may call light so not always just flipping if called. The repot will also get folded to some of the time which is free chips. I do admit I haven't played any yet (will do hopefully when I have a bigger bankroll and a bit more time in the evenings)
    Posted by Phantom66
    Good point Phantom

    Also styles as mentioned is a factor. Even within my self, my style changes depending on a lot of factors over time. At the moment I feel very settled and on my 'A Game' so am obviously happy with my current style and in that scenario with these stacks (BH or not) I would view it as a big error to 3bet shove here... If I was feeling that my game was all over the place at a particular point and I was struggling and losing focus I might 3bet shove and just take a marginally +ev spot on.

    I understand that it may look favourable in an equity sense but that doesn't mean it is necessarily the correct play to 3bet shove, IMO at least, it depends what your ROI expectations are. If the goal is to do consistently well in these, then spots where we could end our tourney right there and then a large percentage of the time have to be treated with lots of caution. It is basically okay IMO to pass up a spot you may be 60/40 ahead in if forced to play for stacks and look for spots where you have a modicum of pot control.

    Unless the bounty has a tiny stack that is almost of no consecquence to my stack then I pay no attention to the bounty early on. You could say that is a mistake but the benefit for me is that when I do find favourable spots players will pay me off lighter than they should as they themselves factor in bounties. This obviously means gaining more chips and equity quite often which has the end result of making it more likely you collect bounties anyway.

    The stack sizes make such a difference. With a large stack you can take the gloves off and go for the kill but if it doesn't work out you can reign it in and play with more care. Then if we get short we need to up the tempo again. In this spot we have IMO a comfortable stack and are not in immediate danger so I wouldn't be looking to take on a 'flip' with a comparable stack. 

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    edited February 2017
    I wouldn't just dismiss the repot as just taking a shot with a marginal +EV position.

    We are not necessarily committing ourselves to taking a flip, as the open raiser is not pot committed.

    We are of equal stack to a number of players so we have fold equity.

    There are many players I would expect to raise with much better than 9923 and still fold to a repot.

    There is also quite a wide calling range where we are still ahead, especially if the shortie comes along.

    Finally there is the upside of being the big stack if we win which is worth more imo in a B/H than in a freezout out this stage of a MTT.

    By the way as implied earlier if I was as good and experienced as you or Tikay in these spots I would probably back myself with the call more. I am not saying your line is worse or bad, I am just trying to stick up for my line in the interest of a debate. If my line is clearly worse then I need a rethink, if it is marginally worse or equal then I may still need to play it if I am in a game where I feel I am being outplayed rather than outplaying my opponents post flop. Hope that makes sense?
  • Options
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    I am not saying your line is worse or bad, I am just trying to stick up for my line in the interest of a debate.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Yeah and the debate is good :)

    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    I wouldn't just dismiss the repot as just taking a shot with a marginal +EV position.
    Posted by Phantom66
    I just mean compared to spots you could sneak into where you may have crept into a pot cheaply in position and flopped big or are in a spot where you can apply pressure and try to pick up uncontested chips.

    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    We are not necessarily committing ourselves to taking a flip, as the open raiser is not pot committed. 
    Posted by Phantom66
    Agreed that in theory they could fold. Going by the info available to us though it doesn't look likely they will fold. With a limper in EP the player has smashed the pot button, it doesn't look like he is going after pot control. If they had standard opened I think there is more chance he folds to a 3bet. In this instance the message they seem to be conveying is that 'I want the bounty and I am going nowhere'. So while they certainly could fold, I think the working assumption would have to be that they are calling and we therefore have no fold equity.

    It is good to have different points of view, makes for interesting debate and highlights the complexities of OH8 :) I am certain plenty of highly profitable high stakes players would 3bet in this spot. While it may be profitable though, it might not be the most profitable line to take in the medium/long term IMO.
  • Options
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands : Hi Whizzy, even though it's a top PLO8 hand it's still effectively a flip against an awful lot of hands that call me, even holdem type hands. As it transpired the covering stack 'should' probably have folded his cards if I repotted but absolutely no guarantee of that. I felt I had a bit of an edge, enough to not want to flip at that stage. Well done last night by the way, where did you finish?
    Posted by Enut
    I love reading indepth analysis of these type of hands...i have a reasonable ability to understand the odds of my holdings.I would be happy in this case with all outcomes.If we sit at a table all night wondering what other players may have i guess the outcome is our chips dwindle away until we are shoving with 'AIR' in latter stages.I would be gutted if i had your hand and lost,but if i scooped and got a bounty,i could then sit back and control the table.I think you have played most of these and made a tidy profit and will continue to do so..i hope a few bad beats won't change your game too much as it's about as good as it gets!
    Typical example last night,i finished 2nd (£40 profit)Winner and 3rd run golden,only understanding of the game is how to get their chips into the middle as quick as possible...I don't dwell on it,i just make my notes and hope they are on my table tonight..:)
  • Options
    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands : I love reading indepth analysis of these type of hands...i have a reasonable ability to understand the odds of my holdings.I would be happy in this case with all outcomes.If we sit at a table all night wondering what other players may have i guess the outcome is our chips dwindle away until we are shoving with 'AIR' in latter stages.I would be gutted if i had your hand and lost,but if i scooped and got a bounty,i could then sit back and control the table.I think you have played most of these and made a tidy profit and will continue to do so..i hope a few bad beats won't change your game too much as it's about as good as it gets! Typical example last night,i finished 2nd (£40 profit)Winner and 3rd run golden,only understanding of the game is how to get their chips into the middle as quick as possible...I don't dwell on it,i just make my notes and hope they are on my table tonight..:)
    Posted by Whizzewky
    That's a very nice comment, thank you. I have played some but certainly not most of them, had a couple of wins too so can't complain.

    Your second was a great result, especially as you were a card from going out in 5th I think until you spiked one of the two remaining 7s! I didn't even mind that until you went and knocked me out!

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    edited February 2017
    interesting thread.

    Something to think about if we flat here with a player still to act.

    We have bloated the pot enough to actually allow him to come over the top and pot it with real FE, and that could be a very exploitative play. He doesn't even need to be super strong if he can force folds and have a chance of a head plus the side pot
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: PLO8 BH MTT Hands:
    interesting thread. Something to think about if we flat here with a player still to act. We have bloated the pot enough to actually allow him to come over the top and pot it with real FE, and that could be a very exploitative play. He doesn't even need to be super strong if he can force folds and have a chance of a head plus the side pot
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    I've thought about this a few times now.

    It probably doesn't matter too much how you play it, but if your thinking about it then try and get more reads.

    initially your instant read is player is going for the bounty-go with that and 3!
    Is the 4x opener someone who folds or opens wide or aggr when it suits them (ie now), is your 3! image clean (ie not someone who always repot A2Q, AQ3 etc), you should get away with it.

    you don't want to only 3! AA2 and AA3, but also don't want to 3! with A24Q everytime either.

    As for the flop, I think its a call if it were near the end IMO, or early versus someone I'd like to knock out who may be OOL.
    vs a donk I'd fold cos they have the 3 and you have 20BB, plenty to aquire more chips with if there's still plenty of bad players.

    I was the SB and quadrupled up so many thanks!
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