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dym just bad luck or a fold

edited February 2017 in Sit & Go Strategy
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceSir-GarySmall blind 300.00300.00975.00weecheez1Big blind 600.00900.001185.00 Your hole cardsQQ   xxAll-in 2230.003130.000.00supshark7Fold    Sir-GaryFold    weecheez1All-in 1185.004315.000.00xxUnmatched bet 445.003870.00445.00weecheez1ShowQQ   xxShow9A   Flop  A24   Turn  2   River  K   xxWinTwo Pairs, Aces and 2s3870.00 4315.00


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    edited February 2017
    tried the old dym challenge and got up to the £5.50 dym the reason i was not sure was one of the other players only had 1.1 big blind but if i folded i was left with just under two i was confident i was ahead so i think it was hard luck thoughts
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    edited February 2017
    I think it's a fold when we've got 2bb behind and have got our BB out of the way.
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    edited February 2017
    Yes, you have to call of there, just hard luck mr cheez.

    1. You should be well ahead of opener pre - even without the BB invested you should call but with it is an absolute must call.
    2. If you fold you are only just ahead of shortie, and you are in the SB next so will be the shortie if you pass that.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: dym just bad luck or a fold:
    I think it's a fold when we've got 2bb behind and have got our BB out of the way.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Wow I am calling and you are folding QQ, that's a turn up.

    If we fold and then pass the SB, we are under 1.5 BB whereas current shortie is over 1.5 BB and can fold his way to us being forced all-in with a random hand.
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    edited February 2017
    In Response to Re: dym just bad luck or a fold:
    In Response to Re: dym just bad luck or a fold : Wow I am calling and you are folding QQ, that's a turn up. If we fold and then pass the SB, we are under 1.5 BB whereas current shortie is over 1.5 BB and can fold his way to us being forced all-in with a random hand.
    Posted by Phantom66
    Oh wow, turns out I can't read. For some reason I thought OP had the A9s lol.

    A9s in this spot is a fold imo
    QQ is a snap deffo
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    edited February 2017
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    edited February 2017
    @Lambo that explains it, I thought either I was going mad or you were.

    A9s in the BB, that is definitely a tougher spot than the snap call with QQ.

    We have to assume a pretty strong range for a big stack to shove into 2 shorter stack blinds. We will be behind to bigger Aces and pairs above the 9 alot and hardly ever dominating Acerag or flipping against lower pairs than a 9. I cant put opponent on 2 broadway cards which would be a result. (At least we know A9s is in their range to push with here)

    We are definitely behind to their range, but we should have the correct odds to call with the 600 invested.

    As per post above if we fold here and have to pass the SB we become favourite to lose, as if current shortie doesn't get a hand they can fold and know that we will be forced all-in before them. If we get a hand before then we still have to push and see if we survive. We have no fold equity either.

    My gut would probably be to fold as we are behind and there is a shorter stack out there, but I don't think it's as bad a call as it first seems considering our pot odds and the dynamics of the remaining play if we fold.

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