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bubble play good or bad

edited February 2017 in Tournament Strategy
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxSmall blind 800.00800.0014641.86weecheez1Big blind 1600.002400.0019001.10 Your hole cardsQA102   bigbob57Fold    yyRaise 5600.008000.0011583.32xxCall 4800.0012800.009841.86weecheez1Call 4000.0016800.0015001.10Flop  J35   xxCheck    weecheez1Check    yyAll-in 11583.3228383.320.00xxAll-in 9841.8638225.180.00weecheez1All-in 15001.1053226.280.00weecheez1Unmatched bet 3417.7849808.503417.78xxShow3A310   weecheez1ShowQA102   yyShow2AK7   Turn  J   River  K   xxWin highFull House, 3s and Jacks46325.58 46325.58yyWin highTwo Pairs, Kings and Jacks3482.92 3482.92 No qualifying low hand    


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    edited February 2017
    the above hand was from plo8 bh earlier we are on the bubble and i had a serious think about folding preflop to try and make the money as it happens i still made it. Post flop i thought it was a strong drawing hand what should i of done differantly here ?
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    edited February 2017
    Think I would have played it the same way as you.

    Perfectly reasonable to call v 2 players and see a flop. A repot might work v some players but generally I think the call is best. Never folding.

    On the flop, you are drawing to the nut low/wheel and nut flush so plenty of chances to scoop. 

    Factor in that you have both stacks covered, have the chance to get a large stack and go deep plus there are 2 bounties on the line.

    I think you have to call there too.

    wp ul.

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