In Response to work it out? : Slight variation:- abcd goldfish? Abey see the goldfish? LMNO goldfish Hell, them not goldfish! OSAR! CMPN? Oh yes they are! See em peein? can't work out your CDBDii is it something like....see the body??? x Posted by TRIP5
see the beady eyes. ive known it for years only remembered it the other day still makes me laugh tho.
abcd goldfish? Abey see the goldfish?
LMNO goldfish Hell, them not goldfish!
OSAR! CMPN? Oh yes they are! See em peein?
can't work out your CDBDii is it something like....see the body???
11 was 1
22 was 12
Something like:
wanwan was one
tutu was one two,
wanwan won one,
tutu won one two.
Pretty sure that was it, and i have another old one to put to you: