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trip10s Small blind   40.00 40.00 5418.75
gpc70 Big blind   80.00 120.00 6290.00
  Your hole cards
  • J
  • J
swordsman Call   80.00 200.00 3625.00
hercules20 Fold     
           X           Call   80.00 280.00 3962.50
hhyftrftdr Raise   400.00 680.00 2343.75
trip10s Fold     
gpc70 Fold     
swordsman Call   320.00 1000.00 3305.00
           X           Call   320.00 1320.00 3642.50
  • 6
  • Q
  • 2
swordsman Check     
           X           Bet   990.00 2310.00 2652.50
hhyftrftdr           ?



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    edited March 2017
    Last nights mini.

    Random villain so essentially readless, did do the odd limp in and whatnot but nothing concrete to form a decent read from the time we'd shared the table.

    Its on you/me facing the donk bet...
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    edited March 2017
    Stack size is awkward.

    I'm sigh shoving and hoping the guy has 2 diamonds....prob close re shoving/folding-calling is a no-no
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    edited March 2017
    its a fold for me the limp,the call then the donk could be diamonds but i think one of them could be the queen blinds are only 40/80 plenty of better spots any one of them could of hit the flop
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: Proceeding....:
    its a fold for me the limp,the call then the donk could be diamonds but i think one of them could be the queen blinds are only 40/80 plenty of better spots any one of them could of hit the flop
    Posted by weecheez1
    This isn't a great spot. However, disagree that there are "plenty of better spots", not least because nearly 20% of our (not large) stack is already sitting in the middle....sometimes you just have to get it in even if you suspect you may be behind
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    edited March 2017
    Yes that is a tough spot, i would prob shove 70% of the time and fold 30% of the time with no info on the players.  I hate spots like that......
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    edited March 2017
    im folding here if u call here ya playing fr stacks as villian just gonna jam the turn any turn card so the decision is here u happy to call and call on turn with 1 over thats down to u for me its a fold tho 
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    edited March 2017
    fwiw im never shoving here   if u shove u can still get him to fold its a call on flop and call turn what do we achieve by shoving here 
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    edited March 2017
    Shouldn't really have any Qx in their range and think fair to assume 62 wouldn't play pre. 

    Therefore 66 and 22 are the only things that *should* be beating us on this flop, although they should still be c/c or c/r, but lots do opt to lead MW to avoid the raiser checking behind and giving free cards to FDs.

    Other limper is always a consideration, but equally they *should* only have 22 or 66 that beat you in this spot.

    Anyway, shame our bounty is the one at risk, but can't be respecting donk bets IMO.  Could easily see oppo having other mid pairs 33-88 or weird FD that have played the hand poorly. 

    Raise GII and hope to hold / do suckouts.  With deeper stacks I'd prefer to call down on any non-diamond turn and most rivers.

    Sucks if he does have a Qx and hopefully can dump a note on them before the table closes.

    How did the rest of the hand play out?
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    edited April 2017
    I think limp callers could definitely have Qx hands here, hands like KQ QJ QT Q9s. It really is an awkward spot on the flop. It is surprising that a player who approached the flop so passively now decides to donk bomb the flop. I think with a player behind and the passive player randomly bombing and otherwise readless I'd probably lean slightly towards a fold although it is very close. If I was to decide to go with the hand, I'd rather play it a flat so if he's randomly bluffing stone nothing we give him the illusion of being able to bluff us off our hand on the turn
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    edited April 2017
    It's a bad spot, I'd fold. I can't see any worse 1-pair hands they lead with, you're ahead of a flush draw with possibly 1 over-card, 40-50% chance of losing the hand, you've only invested 5bb's and still got 30 back and you have a player to act behind.
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    edited April 2017
    im sigh calling i dont think he has 66 or 22 he has either 2 diamonds or the aq qk yeah sigh call take notes and move on
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    edited April 2017
    I knew it was a fold on the flop, so I called. And was rewarded for my heroic peel with a Jack on the turn.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Proceeding....:
    I knew it was a fold on the flop, so I called. And was rewarded for my heroic peel with a Jack on the turn.
    Posted by hhyftrftdr

    fortune favours the......... (insert appropriate adjective)
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Proceeding....:
    In Response to Re: Proceeding.... : fortune favours the......... (insert appropriate adjective)
    Posted by HENDRIK62

    Fortune certainly doesn't favour the bitter.
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    edited April 2017
    How does he not have Qx in his range? Most people in the mini prob iso QQ/AQ (not always) and overlimp all other Q8+

    Villain flop lead is lol when you're going to cbet this board such high frequency. No offence if reading!
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