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why am i not allowed to raise

elltailteSmall blind 20.0020.00220.00HNRT1998Big blind 40.0060.009820.00 Your hole cardsKK   VALERIANCall 40.00100.005320.00hodgo9009Call 40.00140.004760.00daphne56Raise 220.00360.004703.00Madsb29Call 220.00580.004620.00telltailteAll-in 220.00800.000.00HNRT1998Call 200.001000.009620.00VALERIANFold    hodgo9009Fold    daphne56Call 20.001020.004683.00Madsb29Call 20.001040.004600.00Flop  AJQ   HNRT1998Bet 520.001560.009100.00daphne56Fold    Madsb29Fold    HNRT1998Unmatched bet 520.001040.009620.00telltailteShow48   HNRT1998Show4K   Turn  3   River  5   HNRT1998WinAce high1040.00 10660.00


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