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final table advice please

edited March 2017 in The Poker Clinic
HI guys, 
I am trying hard to get to vegas and marry my mrs, i keep failing in the quarter finals.  Had lots of deep runs, a 6th and a 5th place bubble tonight.

Can anyone give me some advice on this situation please, i keep thinking i might have played it wrong....

5 left on table, 4 get tickets.  I am sat with the massive chip leader on my left.  I just won a round with a shove, no callers i had qq.  I am now 4th out of 5 left. I'm first to go and look down ak os.

I have notes on some of the other 4 players, 2 massive winning regs, the big stack i have no notes but he has 5 times my stack. shortest stack no notes on him.

I shoved my ak, big stack calls with kk, I'm out.

I had 6k, blinds were 600 and 400, short stack had 5k.
I know that the other players are going to be shoving in to me every blind, so i felt if i win with no show i will outlast the short stack. If i get a call i will have the best hand most of the time or a flip at worst.
Any advice is appreciated, thanks a lot


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    edited March 2017
    In Response to final table advice please:
    HI guys,  I am trying hard to get to vegas and marry my mrs, i keep failing in the quarter finals.  Had lots of deep runs, a 6th and a 5th place bubble tonight. Can anyone give me some advice on this situation please, i keep thinking i might have played it wrong.... 5 left on table, 4 get tickets.  I am sat with the massive chip leader on my left.  I just won a round with a shove, no callers i had qq.  I am now 4th out of 5 left. I'm first to go and look down ak os. I have notes on some of the other 4 players, 2 massive winning regs, the big stack i have no notes but he has 5 times my stack. shortest stack no notes on him. I shoved my ak, big stack calls with kk, I'm out. I had 6k, blinds were 600 and 400, short stack had 5k. I know that the other players are going to be shoving in to me every blind, so i felt if i win with no show i will outlast the short stack. If i get a call i will have the best hand most of the time or a flip at worst. Any advice is appreciated, thanks a lot merlin
    Posted by fi33er
    Can't say for sure what is objectively the best play. However, I can say that I would have played it exactly the same as you there-unlucky

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    edited March 2017
    Hi Fi33er

    Unlucky tonight.  Sure you'll get there if you keep playing as you are.

    I'm with Phil on this, would almost certainly have played it as you did.  Most players on the table knew what they were doing and other than the big stack were only calling your shove with super-premium hands.  Even then you might get a fold from the KK.  You're in decent shape with AK against anything other than AA, so I think you play it as you did.

    Only downside for your play, is your position.  Playing early and having the super big stack to your left leaves you exposed to getting called, but hey you're going to have to play a few hands over the next round or two, so can you expect a better spot than this?

    Fwiw, I tend to think not to think of these satellites as a single game, rather a series of 5 chances to qualify.  You qualify on the 5th attempt then you're break even.  Any sooner then you're up.  If you think that way it helps with playing the odds, I find.

    Best of luck

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    edited March 2017
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    edited March 2017
    Thanks guy for the feedback, it sure has helped me feel a bit better. Onwards and upwards!
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    edited March 2017
    sats are completly different to tourneys i know that much when u say 4 get a seat and 5 left this all depends on stack sizes like a dym 4 left but top 3 get paid  if u are not the shortest stack  the shortest stack has to double up not u so aslong as your ahead of the shortest stack u get the seat     imo i think this is a fold pre because of this reason in a mtt its a shove pre with 15 bigs etc but this scenario its a fold 
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