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Any thoughts on playing the flush draw in this situation please

edited March 2017 in Tournament Strategy
HI Guys,
Anyone got any ideas on how to do this better please?
i have 6k chips
other guy has 2k chips.

I have k9 suited, haven't played a hand for 3 rounds,  i am 5th out of 13 in vegas quarter. 
I limp in 1st position ( 1st time in the tourney i hardly ever do that but i had a good feeling to play the hand) for a change with a hand i would normally throw away, as I havent played a hand for ages.
 A top player on sb raises to 300 (2x raise)ages.

Flop is ace clubs 8 clubs 5 hearts.
i check (thinking to hit a club on turn or rr all in if he bets which is very lightly) He bets 300 I shove
i miss and he doubles.

I was hoping for a fold when i RR all in, (but i kind of forced his hand as he was short and if he folded it would have been 1/4 of his chips gone) , then if he called i could double if i made my flush (was a nut flush draw as the ace was on the board)

I know that i could have played ir better, I knew he hit the ace, even though 80% of thr time he cont. bets.  I thought he might throw away a weak ace as i am a tight player.

I know i forced him to call though because if he folds he is very short.  I just messed up! Grrrrrrr
My stupid play limping with k9 in 1st pos was the start of it. 
Frustrsting as i know I messed up, my draw was to the nuts, he would have folded if he didn't have the ace, and i did have a 3.8-1 chance of the nuts, was it a terrible play?


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    edited March 2017
    Firstly, you were in the bb. This changes a lot for me. Limping k9 suited is pretty bad. Peeling a min from the bb is very standard. If you peel then its a very good spot where I fold if I don't have an ace (or a set/2pr) and even if I call you have outs. I think you played it fine/standard for that stage of a sat.

    huggyie69 Small blind   75.00 75.00 13335.00 fi33er Big blind   150.00 225.00 4765.00   Your hole cards ·         A ·         8       IFistJesus Fold         CxE1 Fold         MattBates Raise   300.00 525.00 1830.00 IDONKCALLU Fold         huggyie69 Fold         fi33er Call   150.00 675.00 4615.00 Flop     ·         3 ·         6 ·         A       fi33er Check         MattBates Bet   300.00 975.00 1530.00 fi33er All-in   4615.00 5590.00 0.00 MattBates All-in   1530.00 7120.00 0.00 fi33er Unmatched bet   2785.00 4335.00 2785.00 fi33er Show ·         K ·         9       MattBates Show ·         A ·         8       Turn     ·         9       River     ·         10       MattBates Win Pair of Aces 4335.00   4335.00
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    edited March 2017
     check raising here might aswell have your cards face up imo doing this as alot of the time it will be a flush draw i quite like a donk lead here or a check call 

    as if u hit a set here are u c/raising the flop pobably not as u want max value out of your hand  and if u have a 6 or a 3 u prob be calling as u want max value and keep bluffs in  so when u do c/r this flop imo its kinda face up yeah u can get there and not much of a underdog in this spot but i prefer to donk lead or c/call here 
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    edited March 2017
    Thanks a lot Matt I thought at the time i played the hand ok, but couldn't quite remember the way it play out.  It's kind of you to take the time to reply, its people like you who make sky the best site.  I am sure you will get to vegas if i get there i'll buy you a beer! Good luck ;)
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    edited March 2017
    As said, limping tends to refer to calling when first into the pot which is *usually* not the best option. Peeling bb gives you better pot odds to see a flop, which can outweigh positional disadvantage postflop depending on the player who opened.
    As played, think you played it absolutely fine.

    Depends though on what Mr Bates has been up to for the past few orbits :) Eg. he's opening here on a stack size where a lot of people will play push or fold. Is he doing this to induce with a big hand, or is he trying to reduce variance for himself and get away with min-raising if he thinks you're going to fold too much? Would be tempted to just shove over the top of him preflop and put a lot of pressure on middle of his range. Suspect in this partic hand he's calling anyway though?

    Unusually, the 'villain' of the hand has been good enough to post in this thread, so his thoughts much more relevant than mine!
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    edited March 2017
    In the hand, how did utg get away with that name lol
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    edited March 2017
    In Response to Re: Any thoughts on playing the flush draw in this situation please:
    In the hand, how did utg get away with that name lol
    Posted by jdsallstar

    Lol! Just seen that! :S
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    edited March 2017
    You were never gonna win that hand, it's Matt Bates :D
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