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UKOPS hand 1 - JJ

Posting 2 hands from UKOPS to hopefully get a bit of discussion going. Not posting these as bad beat stories (I won 1 and lost 1 of the 2 I will post). I also think one involved a good call and one call was questionable.

Anyways WWYD here with JJ...

The scene: The villain has 3bet shoved on me twice, although both times we were both in later table positions.

It is an £11 UKOPS BH with roughly 30-35 left, I think I was sitting around 14th and average stacks around 55k (probably not exactly correct but close enough).

Will post my thoughts after we hopefully get a few replies.








Small blind






Big blind






Your hole cards

·         J

·         J





































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    edited April 2017
    Just seems like a totally standard/vv easy call to me.

    I'm not trying to be rude but doesn't seem like there's much discussion to be had, villian would have to be vv nitty to make me wanna fold and that isn't mentioned.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    Just seems like a totally standard/vv easy call to me. I'm not trying to be rude but doesn't seem like there's much discussion to be had, villian would have to be vv nitty to make me wanna fold and that isn't mentioned.
    Posted by Lambert180
    Ha definitely not rude! Appreciate you giving your thoughts whether you think I played something brilliantly, terribly or whatever :) I had the impression this may be a popular view. Mine differs though.

    Will see if there are more replies before I give my thoughts though. 
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    edited April 2017
    The main thing for me is that I think KK+ and possible QQ+ will be much more inclined to play the hand in a way that isn't gonna cause you to fold a very high % of the time, so while there's a chance he has these I'd say it's a lot less likely.

    So I'd think his range is most likely along the lines of AQ+ and 99-JJ, the kind of hands that are strong but he'd be perfectly happy to just take it down pre/avoid potentially awkward spots post flop. Could maybe even throw AJs/KQs in there. People love to bully with a big stack and punt for bounties in BHs

    Against that range we have over 60% so I just don't think anyone's edge is big enough to pass that up.
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    edited April 2017
    This isn't so straight forward as we are deep and can afford to fold.

    I mostly tend to think that these kind of large shoves are mostly AK,AQ,1010,99 from players uncomfortable playing post flop on tricky boards. Think I call then smash my mouse to smithereens when Villain shows KK.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    This isn't so straight forward as we are deep and can afford to fold. I mostly tend to think that these kind of large shoves are mostly AK,AQ,1010,99 from players uncomfortable playing post flop on tricky boards. Think I call then smash my mouse to smithereens when Villain shows KK.
    Posted by SJspanky1
    Know this feeling well, had it on Friday in mini, around 90 left and fairly similar stack to blind ratio, looked at QQ 3 bet and got shoved on, snapped with the range you described in mind and villian flipped over AA. 

    At first I thought it was crazy, but I guess it can make sense if he recognised I was only opening strong hands, add to that a relatively abc style, then he wants all action pre in case its a scary flop and he doesn't get my bounty.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    This isn't so straight forward as we are deep and can afford to fold. I mostly tend to think that these kind of large shoves are mostly AK,AQ,1010,99 from players uncomfortable playing post flop on tricky boards. Think I call then smash my mouse to smithereens when Villain shows KK.
    Posted by SJspanky1

    Agree with this.

    We should be reasonably strong if we are iso'ing an UTG limp from a 15/16bb stack from UTG+1. I don't think I fold but I'd be far from loving it.

    Whilst I expect to mostly see the type of hands Spanky mentions, I don't think you can rule out QQ+; raising again would kinda make you pretty face up esp considering the table positions so jamming at least gives you a wider range and if you think hero has iso'ed with a hand they are unlikely to pass then shipping premiums can get you paid off.

    I still probs call :)
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    edited April 2017
    I'd be calling, you've only got 23bb's behind, I'm not sure that's deep enough to fold J's to a player that has over-shoved for the third time. You can't rule QQ+ out of his range, if he's bounty hunting he could just want to get it in pre, but any other pair or A-high, possibly even a big King, is just as likely. It's a good chance to get a top-3 stack and you're ahead of most of the hands he could have. I'd call.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    The main thing for me is that I think KK+ and possible QQ+ will be much more inclined to play the hand in a way that isn't gonna cause you to fold a very high % of the time, so while there's a chance he has these I'd say it's a lot less likely. So I'd think his range is most likely along the lines of AQ+ and 99-JJ, the kind of hands that are strong but he'd be perfectly happy to just take it down pre/avoid potentially awkward spots post flop. Could maybe even throw AJs/KQs in there. People love to bully with a big stack and punt for bounties in BHs Against that range we have over 60% so I just don't think anyone's edge is big enough to pass that up.
    Posted by Lambert180

    I agree with lambo, unless we have some kind of major read its a call. I think the bolded bit is quite key too.
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    edited April 2017
    Interesting problem.

    I agree with Kevilfish re QQ. However, the rest of the logic from that well known firm of accountants Lambert & Bates (if only it had been 18UButler) has to be right.

    This is quite close-there is no clear wrong answer. However, I am definitely calling on the available info, even though I am fearing QQ. I feel that the money already invested makes this as a call, as I think you are about 50% (maybe even 55%) to win this hand.
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    edited April 2017
    Id insta call but im not as prolific as most of you but he could be doing this with Ak Q J etc or mid pairs imo if he had AA KK or QQ i think he would go about 20.000 and hope you shove to his bet..So like i said id call and would be suprised if i was behind to a premuim hand 
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    edited April 2017
    Some great replies, thanks!

    I mentioned in my blog that I had left a hand out of an update because I found it interesting, was dissapointed in myself for calling, although did feel it was technically a call and wanted to post it here. This was the one I meant.

    Obviously not all context from the tables comes across when we post these hands.

    The player had, as mentioned 3bet jammed on me twice previously. On both occasions we were in later table positions and he had nobody else to worry about to act behind him. The player had also said "well done for leading the leaderboard" in chat, or something to that effect, and I felt he was trying to target me. This information probably matters a bit in the general context of the hand.

    I was imagining the hand from my opponents perspective as it unfolded. He had seen someone limp UTG which could mean several things (including them having total monster hands like QQ KK AA). They have then seen me from UTG+1 raise and apparently look like I am trying to isolate this player. It has to look to him like I am prepared to get it in with a player who has close to 70% of my stack size so he may reasonably assume I might be prepared to get 100% of my stack in here.

    I thought there was a small-medium chance he was shoving here (considering the strength shown already and other players to act behind) with 99 TT AQ type hands. I guess an even smaller chance of the other 2 jacks as well. It seemed more likely to me he had AA KK AK type hands. I agree many players with AA KK here will be a bit more coy, but as this player seemed to be 'trying to get me' my gut reaction was that he had AA or KK and had got a bit over excited. Perhaps thinking 'I've got him this time'. I certainly did not feel I was generally going to be in good condition against this player in this spot.

    So my gut instinct and some of the logic had me concluding that instafolding and keeping a playable stack would be the right thing to do in this exact spot. By the time it folded around to me however... My thinking had diverged onto the solution that most of you have suggested and I though "nah, no way I am or can fold jacks here" and I called. He did have the KK though and my first read and gut instinct were spot on.

    Not trying to be results orientated at all here. I made a couple of big inducing plays to encourage shoves from players when I had much weaker holdings in other games (some working successfully, some not). I just thought on reflection that my first read and gut instinct made sense, so was disappointed in myself for not taking on them on board appropriately.

    Again thanks for the replies and if anyone agrees or thinks I am barking mad for coming to this conclusion I would be happy to hear their thoughts :)








    Small blind






    Big blind






    Your hole cards

    ·         J

    ·         J









































    Unmatched bet







    ·         J

    ·         J




    ·         K

    ·         K





    ·         Q

    ·         9

    ·         8







    ·         5







    ·         6






    Pair of Kings




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    edited April 2017
    What are you doing with JJ if villain makes it 18/20k or similar?
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    What are you doing with JJ if villain makes it 18/20k or similar?
    Posted by hhyftrftdr
    Folding or shoving dependant upon whether I think he has JJ beat or not.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ : Folding or shoving dependant upon whether I think he has JJ beat or not.
    Posted by markycash
    I think he means in this spot lol. So with the information you have, what would you do?

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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ : I think he means in this spot lol. So with the information you have, what would you do?
    Posted by Lambert180
    When he ploughed his stack in I think it gave his hand away (for this player). As mentioned my gut feeling was then AA KK maybe AK. I would be in a pickle if he had made it 18-20k as he wasn't really playing that way and essentially it would be the same decision as to go with it or not. We don't have the odds to set mine and if our read is that he has AA, KK or QQ then a low flop is only going to end up with us being stacked so there is obviously no point in peeling cards. The decision is there to be made preflop.

    If a solid reg done this then it would obviously be screaming strength. However, they would know it is screaming strength so if they were balancing their range in such scenarios to any extent they could be doing this with or without AA or KK and we would just have to go with our specific read at the time.

    I don't know what this player does this with as he hadn't been doing this so. I would be flummoxed and have to go with my feeling at the time. As played I felt they gave me enough info to get away from the hand. If they had made it 18-20k it would have been tough. I would like to say it is they same decision and I would want to make a good fold but I don't have a high amount of confidence I would have.

    P.S. If other players at the table had shoved I would probably have been calling and not regretting it, whether they had AA KK or not. I just felt this player in this table position had gave enough info for us to get away from the hand.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ : I think he means in this spot lol. So with the information you have, what would you do?
    Posted by Lambert180
    Are you still happy to get it in with JJ here preflop if he makes it 18-20k or would this lead you to finding the fold?
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ : Are you still happy to get it in with JJ here preflop if he makes it 18-20k or would this lead you to finding the fold?
    Posted by markycash
    No, not at all, it's key to my first reply. Imo if he makes it 18-20k then he is screaming wanting action and probably doesn't even have AK (cos people tend to want to encourage folds moreso with that hand than induce action), I'd put him pretty squarely on KK+ pretty much if he makes a small 3bet and think we can comfortably fold.

    It's the fact he didn't do this, he took a line that gives himself more FE that imo means his range is wider and wide enough that we have to call. I'm not writing off the idea he ever has KK+ I just think it's less likely than other hands.

    Those are the generalisations I'd make on the MTT population on here at least and that's mostly all I have to go on for this hand.

    EDIT: tbf I should pre-face all my strat posts with the fact I am vvv rusty cos I've been spending all my time on the sports betting and have played very little over the last 12 months. I wasn't even that great back then so god knows how bad I am now :D
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    edited April 2017
    Ak okay, I see exactly what you mean and it obviously makes perfect sense. If we are in his shoes we do not want to increase our fold equity this much by shoving. Although against yourself they would be increasing the likelyhood of you folding by reducing their bet size :D I guess a lot depends on what level we think the villain is thinking on.

    In a vaccuum against a random player it obviously makes perfect sense that if they plough their whole stack in we might fold and if they realise this then it makes KK less likely. Im not sure we can assume everyone is thinking that way though. With many players big bets may just simply be big hands. Also even a more deeply thinking player or super strong reg may feel the optimal line in certain hands to extract maximum chips from an opponent may be to just ship it in as was done here even with AA KK. Would help disguise their hand, get maximum value and save the risk of them losing their opponent on certain flops. 

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    edited April 2017
    theres more to this than being a snap call imo....

    I can fold this sometimes but it would be dependent on a few factors.

    I would put his range as ak aq ocasionally qq and 88 - jj against that range mathamatically it is a snap call.

    I think aa & kk show up such a small percentage of the time I would not include them in the range of population tendancies.

    The only way I ever fold is if the table is weak and I have found a few explotative spots the same you can find in cash games IE players limp folding.

    Sometimes tables can be good enough to give up good all in spots.

    I was on a table where I folded a set against a good reg - which is awful but I was not sure the way the hand played I was good enough of the time to pass up the spot on the table. His range for his reshove on the turn was a better set or aa

    there was two loose passive players on the table 4 handed with 8 left and it was so easy to chip up that ultimately it turned out to be a correct fold (even if it was a wrong fold)

    I hope that makes sense im not the best at explaining myself - but 90% of the time this is a call for me
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    edited April 2017
    Thoughts on the rest of the table Marky..? :P
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    Thoughts on the rest of the table Marky..? :P
    Posted by Angmar2626
    Ha yeah, I think you were sitting on villain's left? Haven't played you much but I remember you were playing very well :)
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ : Ha yeah, I think you were sitting on villain's left? Haven't played you much but I remember you were playing very well :)
    Posted by markycash

    Booo... that's awfully polite - more aggressive heckling needed!

    By the way, I agree with you wrt not taking flips when we have an edge. Wasn't this the £5.5? In the high roller I'd probably snap this, but definitely think it needs more thought in this game. For example, this eve I'm having a little poker night with some friends who don't really know how to play but are under the illusion that I'm good (anyone who plays a bit online must be good right..?) and so really want to beat me for bragging rights. Taking flips in this game would be a disaster. Extreme example I know, but you see the point - where do you draw the line?

    I play a little oddly and others are bound to disagree with this (fair enough, everyone has their own views on strategy, and maybe a few months from now I'll disagree with this myself) but I think Isoing smaller to something like 6379 accomplishes exact same against limper when we're ip, and villain wanting to enter the pot is going to make more mistakes against smaller sizing. Commits you less if someone shoves over the top also.

    Thanks for posting the hand though - I remember it happening at the time and thinking 'yuk'.

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    edited April 2017
    Was just watching the WCOOP 2016 FT and a similarish spot to this came up.

    Blinds are 1200-2400, 6 handed, and UTG makes a small raise to just over 5k. Isaac Haxton in the C/O with JJ (180k stack) makes it 16,800. The BTN with 40BB's (102k stack) 4bet shoves. Haxton has more chips than I did in this example (therefore can afford to go with this and still have a meaningful stack if he loses). The BB stack is only 25% more than mine in this hand so effectively it is quite similar. 

    Getting almost 2/1 on a call (better odds than I had) I fully expected him to call, especially after the discussion here. He folds though and BTN 4 bet shover takes it down with AK.

    I know it is not quite the same and is for serious $$ but I found the similarities interesting. I would be snapping in that position getting 2/1, especially knowing the opponents are capable of making these plays thinner.

    Hand is here

    Fast forward to the hand @ 4 minutes 57 secs.
  • Options
    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    Was just watching the WCOOP 2016 FT and a similarish spot to this came up. Blinds are 1200-2400, 6 handed, and UTG makes a small raise to just over 5k. Isaac Haxton in the C/O with JJ (180k stack) makes it 16,800. The BTN with 40BB's (102k stack) 4bet shoves. Haxton has more chips than I did in this example (therefore can afford to go with this and still have a meaningful stack if he loses). The BB stack is only 25% more than mine in this hand so effectively it is quite similar.  Getting almost 2/1 on a call (better odds than I had) I fully expected him to call, especially after the discussion here. He folds though and BTN 4 bet shover takes it down with AK. I know it is not quite the same and is for serious $$ but I found the similarities interesting. I would be snapping in that position getting 2/1, especially knowing the opponents are capable of making these plays thinner. Hand is  here Fast forward to the hand @ 4 minutes 57 secs.
    Posted by markycash

    Without knowing the other finalists (I haven't watched the vid), I'm guessing Haxton is far and away the best player involved and probably wants to push his considerable edge in other, less spinning spots. Esp as he has (what appears to be) a very good stack and losing this flip could/would hinder his stack leverage for aggression.
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    edited April 2017
    Quite a lot of differences tbf, the main one being that yours went limp > iso > 3bet. Whereas the video went open > 3bet > cold 4bet which imo makes the range much stronger.

    Also, this is a FT with 6 left and 3 paid so huuuge ICM implications as opposed to when there's 30 odd runners left
  • Options
    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    Quite a lot of differences tbf, the main one being that yours went limp /> iso > 3bet. Whereas the video went open > 3bet > cold 4bet which imo makes the range much stronger. Also, this is a FT with 6 left and 3 paid so huuuge ICM implications as opposed to when there's 30 odd runners left
    Posted by Lambert180

    I definitely agree there are differences. A 'bad laydown' getting almost 2/1 with jacks could be pretty costly though for all the reasons you mention. I also think the 'would someone just shove a monster' discussion in this spot is similar to the hand in the thread. Is the BTN just jamming KK AA etc? If not and AQ/AK etc is also included in the mix then the odds are there to be calling.
  • Options
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ:
    In Response to Re: UKOPS hand 1 - JJ : I definitely agree there are differences. A 'bad laydown' getting almost 2/1 with jacks could be pretty costly though for all the reasons you mention. I also think the 'would someone just shove a monster' discussion in this spot is similar to the hand in the thread. Is the BTN just jamming KK AA etc? If not and AQ/AK etc is also included in the mix then the odds are there to be calling.
    Posted by markycash
    Seems like in the Ike Haxton hand the stack sizes would almost negate a 4bet/folding range (16 />38 >100 +10 = 3.5/1)

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