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Tables Lagging, HELP!

edited May 2017 in Priority
I am having a problem this week on sky with tables lagging. IDK why this is, nothing in my setup has changed.

I don't know if it is a problem with my computer, my internet connection, or something at Sky's end.

I went through a stretch just now where I my tables would freeze for 5 seconds, then work for 5 seconds, then freeze for 5 seconds etc. etc. for 2 minutes straight. Obviously this is a major problem, I was timing out some hands.

Has anyone experienced this? Has anyone got any ideas for how I can fix this?

Cheers guys



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    edited April 2017
    I'm having similiar issues.  Tables seem to take ages to open too.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Tables Lagging, HELP!:
    I am having a problem this week on sky with tables lagging. IDK why this is, nothing in my setup has changed. I don't know if it is a problem with my computer, my internet connection, or something at Sky's end. I went through a stretch just now where I my tables would freeze for 5 seconds, then work for 5 seconds, then freeze for 5 seconds etc. etc. for 2 minutes straight. Obviously this is a major problem, I was timing out some hands. Has anyone experienced this? Has anyone got any ideas for how I can fix this? Cheers guys E.W.
    Posted by EmmaWatson

    Same. Tables  are frozen many times.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Tables Lagging, HELP!:
    In Response to Tables Lagging, HELP! : Same. Tables  are frozen many times.
    Posted by dialbi4
    That would explain why it seems as though you're slowrolling sometimes

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    edited April 2017


    All I can do is pass this thread up to the Office, and I'll do that right away.

    I'll try & get some feedback for you on Monday.
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    edited April 2017
    Hi Guys,

    We are aware of the ongoing issues that a number fo customers are reporting. To aid our investigations are you able to give a bit more information as to when you are experiencing the issues.

    1) What are the exact symptons?
    2) What time do you experience the issue?
    3) What tables are you playing when you experience the issues?
    4) What device are you using?
    5) Are you playing on the Download Client or Browser? Which Browser?
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    edited April 2017
    Hi Sam,

    Every table I try and sit takes an age to load up (including the first table when I log in).

    All session.

    Primarily cash tables.  Don't think it's been quite so bad at mtt tables but I may be wrong.

    Playing on DC client on my PC which has done the job fine for about 3 years.
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    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Tables Lagging, HELP!:
    Hi Guys, We are aware of the ongoing issues that a number fo customers are reporting. To aid our investigations are you able to give a bit more information as to when you are experiencing the issues. 1) What are the exact symptons? 2) What time do you experience the issue? 3) What tables are you playing when you experience the issues? 4) What device are you using? 5) Are you playing on the Download Client or Browser? Which Browser?
    Posted by Sky_SamT
    1) tables just frozen(all tables stop working) then refresh and work normal up to next frozen. In session 4,5 hours i have around 10 freeze.

    2) I have this problem always when i play. This s... start started around 2,5 weeks ago.

    3) I play SNG tables, around 10 tables same time. When i have les tables same time forozen are less often.

    4) PC i5 intel with 8gb ram on win7

    5) dowloadn client

    7 april i report it but tech support answer:

    Hope you're well.
    I have reviewed the screen shots provided and believe you refer to the volume of sit outs (away players) for the tables you have been playing.
    To ensure we understand/resolve your query effectively, could you kindly confirm how this had impacted yourself at the tables as we are unable to locate any disconnection's from yourself or this relating immediately to a site issue (please note we are not dismissing any potential issue). 
    If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Kind Regards,
    Adam B
    Priority Team

    Then i get answer:

    Thanks for your e-mail.
    We will have our poker team revisit this query for you, please do kindly note any outcome would be final in this regard. 
    If you have any further queries please do not hesitate to contact us.
    Kind Regards,
    Adam B
    Priority Team

    but no get any answer in this 2 weeks.

  • Options
    edited April 2017
    In Response to Re: Tables Lagging, HELP!:
    Hi Guys, We are aware of the ongoing issues that a number fo customers are reporting. To aid our investigations are you able to give a bit more information as to when you are experiencing the issues. 1) What are the exact symptons? 2) What time do you experience the issue? 3) What tables are you playing when you experience the issues? 4) What device are you using? 5) Are you playing on the Download Client or Browser? Which Browser?
    Posted by Sky_SamT
    Freudian slip?

    I have heard tell of your legendary customer service skills :)
  • Options
    edited May 2017
    In Response to Tables Lagging, HELP!:
    I am having a problem this week on sky with tables lagging. IDK why this is, nothing in my setup has changed. I don't know if it is a problem with my computer, my internet connection, or something at Sky's end. I went through a stretch just now where I my tables would freeze for 5 seconds, then work for 5 seconds, then freeze for 5 seconds etc. etc. for 2 minutes straight. Obviously this is a major problem, I was timing out some hands. Has anyone experienced this? Has anyone got any ideas for how I can fix this? Cheers guys E.W.
    Posted by EmmaWatson
    ive had exactly the problems you described for a few weeks seems to be worse the more tables i have open
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Tables Lagging, HELP!:
    In Response to Tables Lagging, HELP! : ive had exactly the problems you described for a few weeks seems to be worse the more tables i have open
    Posted by neenio
    Hi neenio,

    Are you playing on the Download Client or a brower. If browser which one?

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    edited May 2017
    hi Sam don't know if this is connected but I just fired up my computer and it made me do some kind of disc clean up, and the only thing that kept popping up is deleting corrupt files from sky bet. NOTE it didn't say sky poker, found it kind of strange it didn't say sky poker as I have no sky bet download on my p.c only sky poker, also last night I could mass table no problem but after these messages I cant play more than four with out lag and timeouts (using download)

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