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Software crashes constantly


You will usually find me seated at 6-20 tables on Sky. Every session I play the software will crash at least once, the error message states that there was a problem with skypoker.exe and it shuts the client down, along with all of my tables.

If that wasn't bad enough; when I log back in I have usually been booted off 30% of the tables at least, and my auto top-up will be disabled.

I am now getting quite irritated with the inconvenience, and the loss that this is causing (folding my hands during a restart, losing tables against weaker players who understandably do not want to wait for me to return).

Can someone please look into this issue?


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    edited May 2017

    Hi Bud,

    I'll get this passed up to the Tech Team, & see if they can assist.

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    edited May 2017
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Software crashes constantly:
    Hello, You will usually find me seated at 6-20 tables on Sky. Every session I play the software will crash at least once, the error message states that there was a problem with skypoker.exe and it shuts the client down, along with all of my tables. If that wasn't bad enough; when I log back in I have usually been booted off 30% of the tables at least, and my auto top-up will be disabled. I am now getting quite irritated with the inconvenience, and the loss that this is causing (folding my hands during a restart, losing tables against weaker players who understandably do not want to wait for me to return). Can someone please look into this issue?
    Posted by kimdongun
    +1 to this issue
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    edited May 2017
    Is there any update on a solution to this problem?

    I played a four hour session today and this happened five times.
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    edited May 2017
    I Usually use browser and don't really have many problems. 
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Software crashes constantly:
    Is there any update on a solution to this problem? I played a four hour session today and this happened five times.
    Posted by kimdongun
    Hi Bud,

    I will pass this up & see if we can get an update for you.
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    edited May 2017
    Yeah this happens to me at least once a day, I start to notice lag/struggling when I'm playing 6 tablkes or more. It's fine when I'm playing only 1-5 tables. 

    It's really a big problem that should have been fixed by you guys already, The fact there is no disconnection protection is silly. I understand why sites do not have DC protection in place, but you have this problem and have no fix for it yet, So maybe add a 2/3 min extra time bank when someone DC whilst having money in the pot.

    I have lost countless number of hands because of this.

    not sure if this is relevant but I do have a half decent computer too.

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    edited May 2017
    Still happening to me daily. I'd estimate this has cost me at least £100 in the last week from being disconnected in pots where I had the best of it; not to mention opportunity costs when weaker players will leave my tables while I restart the client.

    I have a top of the range, brand new PC so this cannot be an issue on my end. I also play other sites simultaneously with no disconnection on other sites when Sky crashes.

    Can something please be done about this? I have tried to avoid speaking to support so far as in my experience they have very little understanding of poker.

    Other reputable sites would investigate the time of disconnection, check if it was an error in the software, and reimburse where appropriate. Why is that not the case here?
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    edited May 2017

    It's been ages since I checked but there used to be a 'memory leak' which caused Skypoker.exe to crash.

    Time to crash would depend on how many simultaneous tables open + amount of RAM you have.

    Over time free memory would become exhausted and the program would crash. It's quite easy to follow using Windows Task Manager if you open a load of tables and watch the memory usage over time.

    If you search this forum for 'memory leak' you should find some discussions.

    I don't know exactly which piece of software was leaking (one of Sky's own or a third party routine it was reliant upon), or if it was ever fixed, but it could be that.. in which case you're going to struggle for a solution.

    PS - great alias haha

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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Software crashes constantly:
    Still happening to me daily. I'd estimate this has cost me at least £100 in the last week from being disconnected in pots where I had the best of it; not to mention opportunity costs when weaker players will leave my tables while I restart the client. I have a top of the range, brand new PC so this cannot be an issue on my end. I also play other sites simultaneously with no disconnection on other sites when Sky crashes. Can something please be done about this? I have tried to avoid speaking to support so far as in my experience they have very little understanding of poker. Other reputable sites would investigate the time of disconnection, check if it was an error in the software, and reimburse where appropriate. Why is that not the case here?
    Posted by kimdongun
    Sorry you are still having a bad experience.

    As to your last 2 sentences, these things ARE investigated, checked &, where possible, fixed if need be. It's not a black and white "player or the site" thing though - the vast majority of players are NOT suffering the problem, but a small minority definitely are. So it is not as easy as might be suggested by your comments.

    Please be assured that I've sent this up to the Tech Team & hopefully they will continue to address it.
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