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Advanced Bounty Hunter Strategy

Hi Forum!

Well basically i'm looking for training aids or even possibly coaching on high level strategies went playing bounty hunters exclusive to sky.

I would class myself as a slightly above average player with a few decent scores but i'm looking to take my game to the next level.

things i need help with in my opinion;

Opening ranges from each position.

How light to call off when hunting for bounties.

overall strat.

Any advice would be great! 



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    edited May 2017
    Start tight in early stages.

    TT+/AQ+ utg and looser round to the button

    Ignore bounties unless you have a big stack or a really close decision....but when playing a hand with a bounty in you need to know who else at the table is crazy. note them down and punish them by reraising and calling lighter when required later in the hand. Later on or if you have a big stack then any pair or decent ace can be good to chase a bounty but you need to know your customer.

    Overall then play a traditonal tight game and be aware of stack sizes once into the midstages, you want to know when opening the betting who you are willing to call should they reraise.

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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Re: Advanced Bounty Hunter Strategy:
    Start tight in early stages. TT+/AQ+ utg and looser round to the button Ignore bounties unless you have a big stack or a really close decision....but when playing a hand with a bounty in you need to know who else at the table is crazy. note them down and punish them by reraising and calling lighter when required later in the hand. Later on or if you have a big stack then any pair or decent ace can be good to chase a bounty but you need to know your customer. Overall then play a traditonal tight game and be aware of stack sizes once into the midstages, you want to know when opening the betting who you are willing to call should they reraise. gl
    Posted by jimb0d1

    This is tighter than a ducks ar$$$e ;)
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