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Live £1/£2 hand KK

edited May 2017 in Cash Strategy
Raised to £8 under the gun with KK, player in mid position calls and so does Button.

Flop comes 6 8 9 (rainbow), I lead out for £25 then player in mp jams for circa £250, Button tanks for a while and then also jams for circa £260.

Now I'm not loving life, thinking at least 1 of them must have me beat, been playing with both players for 2 hours and neither have been too out of line or gone all in yet. I'm putting someone on 2 pair or even a flopped straight as there has been lots of play with connectors and one gappers.

I'm sitting with just shy of £400 which is table buy in max.

I begrudgingly fold and they show 9 3 and A 9s, turn and river are bricks so +£500 pot was won with a pair of 9s.

So in view of the action was my fold right or too nitty? Should i have shipped it all in?


City (this was @ Hippodrome London)


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    edited May 2017
    its a fold with your reads imo (Slightly more detailed reads would be helpful)

    Never underestimate live playersability to put money in pot with one pair hands though 

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    edited May 2017
    Player dependent in my opinion and its a difficult one. I'm no live expert, but I am told live play even at 1/2 or 1/3 can be a lot softer than online cash games at 20 or 30nl!!! Certinaly not a call online, but live? Your live reads are necessary here and from way you describe think it was correct decision, though in hindsight and from results orientated perspective obviously not. Tricky particularly if both of these opponents had not been getting out of line previosuly....
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    edited May 2017
    Thanks for the feedback, both seemed reasonably competent players so was surprised when I was ahead of both.

    Yes I play 20 or 30nl online and live is a lot softer, I'm only 10 minutes on the tube from Leicester Sq where there is Hippodrome and Empire so trying to get down there at least once a week. I'm up £420 over last 3 sessions - would be £1k if hadn't fold it here - certainly wouldn't make £420 online over 3 sessions!!!

    A few hands earlier I had KK again and got it all in pre, rubbing my hands at a £800 pot, then the guy flips over his KK also - I thought these kind of things only happened online ☺

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    edited May 2017
    I'd suggest playing with those two players as much as you can!

    I'd probably fold here too there's alot of action after you raise UTG and bet into two players and it is quite a connected board where you could be drawing pretty thin if you get it in.
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    edited May 2017
    It is a fold for me, trips/ 2 pair/straight if it was online with that action.  Only thing I can think is that the other 2 players had history.  The last to act might have known the other guy would shove with top pair or draw and figured yu would be folding unless you had trips.

    I would say you played it right, try and play them some more! gl
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    edited May 2017
    In Response to Live £1/£2 hand KK:
    Raised to £8 under the gun with KK, player in mid position calls and so does Button. Flop comes 6 8 9 (rainbow), I lead out for £25 then player in mp jams for circa £250, Button tanks for a while and then also jams for circa £260. Now I'm not loving life, thinking at least 1 of them must have me beat, been playing with both players for 2 hours and neither have been too out of line or gone all in yet. I'm putting someone on 2 pair or even a flopped straight as there has been lots of play with connectors and one gappers. I'm sitting with just shy of £400 which is table buy in max. I begrudgingly fold and they show 9 3 and A 9s, turn and river are bricks so +£500 pot was won with a pair of 9s. So in view of the action was my fold right or too nitty? Should i have shipped it all in? Thanks City (this was @ Hippodrome London)
    Posted by citylawyer
    It would be good to keep the player names and search for them. Play at same time and at around 2 hours they may get tired / drunk / tilted so the opportunity may show itself again.

    My assumption would be that someone hit a set because they both flat called, and so I would have likely folded also at these stakes.

    Ask yourself, if this was for £4.00 instead of £400 would you have called. Base the decision on Big Blinds and you should be able to make a better decision... I suspect you may be playing on a Bankroll that is not suited for £1/£2?

    But hey, im not the best at Bankroll management - its easier said than done.
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