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Stop Wasting, Start Winning, a casual players diary

edited July 2017 in Poker Chat
Hi all,

yes its another diary. no it probably wont be that interesting

Been playing for a few years now. overall winner but aside from a heater for a few months not sure if a consistent winner over the long stretch. Not looking to ever make a living at this but would be nice to see a consistent profit over a year.

Have a full time job, wife and 3 kids so not a huge amount of time to dedicate to studying or playing in huge volume. Played on numerous sites and tried numerous formats, my favourite is tournaments, but time constraints mean I'm mainly a cash player, and likely will be for at least the next few years.

Feel I can beat the game but never made any accurate logs of winnings or hourly rate etc, in the past have withdrawn to pay for holidays/treats etc but cant tell you total winnings lifetime, and no nice graphs to show as dont use a HUD. Also as I dont rely on the income tend to view it as "free money", wasting profits punting high stakes, and have a weakness for blackjack which I need to shut down. Hoping if I plug these leaks I can make a reasonable profit each month but could be fooling myself blaming tilt/blackjack etc when it may be I cant really beat the game

Deposited £1k at start of month, hit exactly £1500 this morning, and just thought, "dont want to waste this". Starting this diary to keep a log of how much I play, and to record wins/losses over the next few months. Thinking if I keep records will hopefully make me more consistent, and also help me start to see my true win rate, so I can evaluate if its worth the time trying to grind cash, or if I'm wasting my time and should just play for fun. Hoping to run the diary for 12 months, obviously if I go busto then so does the diary!

Goals are:

No more punting blackjack (Now self excluded from Sky Vegas and Casino)
No heads up tables
No Omaha above 20nl
Don't be lazy with table selection
Don't tilt after a losing session (hopefully having records of previous wins will help here!)
Review 1 tricky hand per week (not enough but better than current zero hands)

Main game will be 6 max NLHE, stakes from 100nl down to 20nl
Table selection will be tighter as stakes increase, so mainly will be playing 20-40nl
May play the odd tourney if time allows up to £33 buyin (likely <1 per month as just dont have time!)

Starting £1500 for the site but total roll is over £5k so option to redeposit if bust
Will build site roll to £2k and cash out above that
Will include live casino poker wins/losses in monthly stats once I start going again maybe towards 2018!

Apologies if this is another boring diary but mainly doing it to try and make myself be more disciplined by putting it out there!
Will hopefully update a few times a week

Starting balance £1500
Hours played 2
Total hrs 2
Profit £92.84
End balance £1592.84


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    edited May 2017

       Good luck with this m8. Certainly strikes a chord with me re. the non existent records etc. Will watch your progress with interest.
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    edited May 2017
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    edited May 2017

    Good luck with this bud.

    Let the readers be the judge of whether it is boring or not. Update it regularly, on good days and bad, and you'll soon gather an audience.
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    edited May 2017
    Best of luck pal, see you at the tables! 
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    edited May 2017
    Good afternoon Butler.
    Look forward to reading your updates.
    All the best.

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    edited May 2017
    Best of luck bud.  See you at the felt.
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    edited May 2017
    best of luck butler no doubt i see u on the tables what levels are u gong to be playing ?
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    edited May 2017
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    edited May 2017
    Good luck with the challenge.

    I am sure your diary will not be boring, I enjoyed your wit on forum comp threads etc.

    PS You may wish to check out the Betting Chat section. You have some good news re the syndicate and you are also standing between some men and women and their winnings being paid out.
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    edited May 2017

    GL with this.

    Regarding the Jackpot Syndicate that you are in. We won yesterday and I am declaring a £20 dividend per share.

    Please can you email me your bank details ASAP so I can pay you what is due.

    I need everyone's details before I can start the payments, as I am making all the payments in one go, and you are now the last.

    Many thanks, and all the best with the diary.


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    edited May 2017
    Thanks all will try and update regularly with all wins and losses

    Had a short session on tablet today ran bad at 20nl but had a small comeback at 100nl made a questionable call on the last hand with top pair (pressed stand utg as wanted to quit, and of course pot ballooned should have prob folded but luckily guy was bluffing) to put me slightly down at 1588

    Going to late reg the freeroll now and try and get a short session on laptop tonight. Sleep training the 8 month old so not on the best from today! 

    Graham sorry for delay have sent you an email thanks for all your hard work on the syndicate! 
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    edited May 2017
    Hi IH8UButler,

    Good luck with the challenge. I have played you a bit when I venture onto the cash tables and you have a good game for what I remember.

    What's with the alias?

    I can confirm that babies / young children and poker are not an ideal combo. Although plenty of MTT's on Sky that don't go on until the early hours of the morning if you do prefer the MTT's.

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    edited May 2017
    Cheers Greg I did have a stab at a few MTT's today but came up blank! Life a bit unpredictable at the moment but once sleep patterns settle a bit I will hopefully play the MTT's once or twice a week.

    Username is from On the Buses, show was a bit before my time but happened to buy a cheap on the buses fruity when at uni so aware of the show from that. If you've not seen the films they basically revolve around 2 fat/ugly middle aged blokes chasing after women in their 20's, whole premise is so ridiculous it falls in the category of so bad it becomes funny, but when it came out it was No1 at the box office in the UK - the 70's were a weird time! this Harry Enfield sketch from a few years back sums up the show quite well

    Another good day today, played bad at the start calling too much but had some rungood at the end hitting a few sets for another win. Need to start timing my sessions as guessing so far but work in progress and all that

    Starting balance £1592.84
    Hours played 3
    Total hrs 5
    Profit £82.01
    End balance £1674.85
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    edited May 2017
    balance creeping up slowly. Started the day with £18 in rewards which helps, and had some mega rungood in the mayhem freeroll,  getting it in bad and binking a few sets/2pair, managed 7th for £30. Short cash session, ended up down about 4 quid and tables pretty grim so decided to cut and run
    (NB decided not counting hours played on tablet, as usually 1 tabling while washing up/doing jobs around the house so not devoting my full attention, will just be counting hours on the laptop multi tabling, obviously this throws out my hourly calculation slightly but happy with a rough estimate)

    Starting balance £1674.85
    Hours played 1
    Total hrs 6
    Profit £44.85
    End balance £1719.70
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    edited May 2017
    another boost to the roll, tired as busy day at work but kids went to bed on time and wife asleep early so felt I should use the time wisely! Dont think I played that well few mis steps but fortunately had some good tables - few players seemed to be min 3 betting and/or shoving all in 80-100bb pre and managed to hit a few flops, also helps I got it in bad for 200bb at 50nl with top/top vs 2 pair and luckboxed the river, which saved the session.

    Starting balance £1719.70
    Hours played 4
    Total hrs 10
    Profit £197.97
    End balance £1917.67
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    edited May 2017
    Good luck buddy!
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    edited May 2017
    Cheers Timmy dont think I will be matching your volume or profits though!

    Rungood over tonight, mixture of bad runouts/coolers and bad play through slight tilt/calling too much as a result. Had some rungood yesterday so cant moan although hopefully AA/KK will start holding up a bit more tomorrow!

    Starting balance £1917.67
    Hours played 3
    Total hrs 13
    Profit £-74.20
    End balance £1843.47
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    edited May 2017
    Another losing session, started badly at 100nl and never really recovered. Going to drop 100NL for now as a big loss there is hard to grind back at 30NL.

    Starting balance £1843.47
    Hours played 3
    Total hrs 16
    Profit £-83.91
    End balance £1759.76
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    edited May 2017
    Bit of a recovery tonight, would have been a decent recovery if not for hand below. As played money going in anyway on flop if i bet - wasnt sure if I should be checking on the fairly wet flop even with top set but thought he would be weighted towards big pairs more than suited broadways in a 4 bet pot, plus we have the Ah blocker, so wanted to induce a bluff on turn with KK/QQ.

    pokerhon23 Small blind   £0.20 £0.20 £62.92
    pnin Big blind   £0.40 £0.60 £106.56
      Your hole cards
    • A
    • A
    hhamza162 Fold        
    deadonrob Fold        
    IH8UButler Raise   £1.20 £1.80 £42.76
    BobbyQ Fold        
    pokerhon23 Raise   £3.80 £5.60 £59.12
    pnin Call   £3.60 £9.20 £102.96
    IH8UButler Raise   £12.80 £22.00 £29.96
    pokerhon23 Call   £10.00 £32.00 £49.12
    pnin Fold        
    • A
    • J
    • 9
    pokerhon23 Check        
    IH8UButler Check        
    • 10
    pokerhon23 Bet   £32.00 £64.00 £17.12
    IH8UButler All-in   £29.96 £93.96 £0.00
    pokerhon23 Unmatched bet   £2.04 £91.92 £19.16
    pokerhon23 Show
    • Q
    • A
    IH8UButler Show
    • A
    • A
    • 8
    pokerhon23 Win Straight to the Queen £90.12   £109.28
    Bricked out the mayhem freeroll again so despite a good run earlier in the week looks like the Vegas dream is over for another year - wife will be happy though!

    Overall though had a good session, ran quite well with hands holding when needed mostly.  Prob take it easy tomorrow/family time and play a bit more sunday try and luckbox a tablet in these freerolls!

    Starting balance £1759.76
    Hours played 3
    Total hrs 19
    Profit £23.07
    End balance £1782.83
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    edited May 2017
    been a roller coaster few days! had been ticking over steadily on poker, and no casino for over a week. Been going through all my sports/casino accounts setting deposit limits to avoid any mad casino wastage (dont want to close the accounts as will likely go back to grinding casino bonuses in the future). Had a £10 casino bonus which managed to spin into £300. Withdrew straight away so not tempted, however this win plus a few beers = having another punt at 100nl.

    Got coolered KK />AA straight off and never recovered. Some tilt juice meant some questionable calls so spaffed about £400. Mini recovery with this (badly played) hand

    diaper10 Small blind   £0.50 £0.50 £96.00
    conga38 Big blind   £1.00 £1.50 £79.00
      Your hole cards
    • 4
    • 4
    Bella_lasa Raise   £3.00 £4.50 £822.98
    IH8UButler Call   £3.00 £7.50 £115.60
    Krzzz Raise   £14.00 £21.50 £245.09
    diaper10 Fold        
    conga38 Fold        
    Bella_lasa Call   £11.00 £32.50 £811.98
    IH8UButler Call   £11.00 £43.50 £104.60
    • 10
    • 4
    • A
    Bella_lasa Check        
    IH8UButler Check        
    Krzzz Bet   £24.00 £67.50 £221.09
    Bella_lasa Call   £24.00 £91.50 £787.98
    IH8UButler Call   £24.00 £115.50 £80.60
    • 4
    Bella_lasa Check        
    IH8UButler Check        
    Krzzz Check        
    • 6
    Bella_lasa Check        
    IH8UButler Bet   £12.00 £127.50 £68.60
    Krzzz Raise   £76.00 £203.50 £145.09
    Bella_lasa Fold        
    IH8UButler All-in   £68.60 £272.10 £0.00
    Krzzz Call   £4.60 £276.70 £140.49
    IH8UButler Show
    • 4
    • 4
    Krzzz Show
    • A
    • 8
    IH8UButler Win Four 4s £274.90   £274.90
    means now sitting with just over £1500. Still think there is loads of value at 100NL even for someone of mediocre standard like me, but might have to can the mid stakes for a while, likely will be back though!

    Bricked the freerolls and the android draws but think will have a tenner in the mayhem promo and around 50 quid in rakeback to show for the week- better than a kick in the di ck!

    Will be back on it next month chasing the SPT entry and hopefully a more respectable winrate!
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    edited June 2017
    quick update for month end. had mini recovery  - couldnt resist a last punt at 100nl and got lucky on the river


    IH8UButler Small blind   £0.50 £0.50 £100.87
    xx Big blind   £1.00 £1.50 £38.00
      Your hole cards
    • 9
    • 9
    xx Raise   £3.00 £4.50 £83.49
    xx Fold        
    xx Call   £3.00 £7.50 £206.11
    IH8UButler Call   £2.50 £10.00 £98.37
    xx Fold        
    • K
    • 8
    • 7
    IH8UButler Check        
    xx Bet   £5.00 £15.00 £78.49
    xx Call   £5.00 £20.00 £201.11
    IH8UButler Call   £5.00 £25.00 £93.37
    • 9
    IH8UButler Check        
    xx Bet   £12.50 £37.50 £65.99
    xx Call   £12.50 £50.00 £188.61
    IH8UButler Raise   £43.75 £93.75 £49.62
    xx Fold        
    xx All-in   £188.61 £282.36 £0.00
    IH8UButler All-in   £49.62 £331.98 £0.00
    xx Unmatched bet   £107.74 £224.24 £107.74
    IH8UButler Show
    • 9
    • 9
    b123n Show
    • 10
    • J
    • 9
    IH8UButler Win Four 9s £222.44   £222.44
    lucky escape so will really try to stick to 50nl and below for a while! Had a steady 2 days at low stakes got on the right side of a few flips/coolers so back up to £1825.

    May summary
    Starting balance £1500
    Hours played 13 (approx!)
    Total hrs 32
    Profit £325.84
    End balance £1825.84
    Hourly = £10/hr inc rakeback and bonuses
    Points = 6500 (approx - total just reset!)

    June Goals

    £500 profit inc rakeback and bonuses
    Hit Priority (want to be able to buyin to SPT direct as useless at satellites)
    Avoid 100nl! (might fail this one)
    Get back on the kale and spinach smoothies for breakfast 4 x minimum per week and reduce snacking
    High intensity workout 2 x per week
    Reduce coffee intake to 3 cups/day
    Drink 2 litres water/day minimum

    will try and update regularly but likely not daily as cant always be bothered straight after a session
  • Options
    edited June 2017
    Quick update  at third of the way through the month - grim results continue, balance has been hammered down to just under £1400, had quite a few bad beats early on which has been frustrating as mostly at higher end of stakes so a few good 20nl sessions were wiped out. Past few days just been autopiloting prob too may tables as well so just bad play/bad decisions.

    Not much motivation to play at present, not sure whether to try 2 tabling, swap to another format for a week or so (MTT's/SNG's) for a change or just take a break and come back to play SPT sats. Fortunately dont rely on any poker income must be a massive stress having to keep grinding through a downswing and avoiding tilt etc.

    On the plus side work going well at present, off to a conference next week which should be good, need to make time next week to sort presentation out etc, but should be an opportunity for a few jars in the evening which is pretty rare for me these days!

    Health drive is ongoing, managing to drink more water and less coffee, also cut down on snacks, stayed up till early hours watching election last night and late again tonight so sleep pattern needs work - might get some better results if not falling asleep!

    Will update in another 10 days, hopefully with a balance over £1500!
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    edited June 2017
    Been reading your updates, I don't play a lot of cash and always find HH and thought processes very interesting......

    However the burning question this morning is non poker related, how do you make a kale and spinach smoothie even remotely drinkable?
  • Options
    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: Stop Wasting, Start Winning, a casual players diary:
    Been reading your updates, I don't play a lot of cash and always find HH and thought processes very interesting...... However the burning question this morning is non poker related, how do you make a kale and spinach smoothie even remotely drinkable?
    Posted by HENDRIK62
    Ha ha cheers - my recipie is 3 fistfuls spinach, 1 banana 1 apple and few blueberries plus cup of water and ice. Taste of spinach is maske by the fruit. If using kale add more water and blend really well or it can get a bit chewy! If you want a really disgusting drink I can recommend Huel, a guy I know swears by it but tasted like cold cardboard porridge. 

    Experimented with the £10 spin ups yesterday and a good start turned into setting fire to best part of £300. Pretty tilted so fired up some 100nl Omaha and got lucky. Also dropped to £5 spin up table and got up to £135 so almost back to even on the day which feels like a win. Will keep plugging away but if this continues might have to retire from cash and just play the odd tourney, hopefully can keep going till winter tho as games are much easier then. 

    Not all bad news as qualified for the last Vegas comp and on course for priority now so some rakeback to offset the losses! Plus taken the baby out for a walk and managed to get him to sleep, so can get a sneaky half in the beer garden down the road before heading back to try and produce some kind of legible PowerPoint for work! 

    More next week hopefully! 
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    edited June 2017
    Another week and haven't been that motivated to play, busy at work and had 2 kids birthday parties to organise so not much time for poker. Still trying to make a run on prio, slightly behind pace at 5883 points, not sure if will hit it as been literally falling asleep at the tables this week trying to squeeze volume in! Obviously not good for the winrate!

    After a bad run at the holdem tables last week been playing some Omaha, and fortunately running well to bring me up to just under £2k. Barring disaster will have some cashouts next week! Hopefully a few more like this:

    Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £19.16
    IH8UButler Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £136.99
      Your hole cards
    • J
    • 8
    • 2
    • 8
    xxx Call   £0.50 £1.25 £43.90
    xxx Call   £0.50 £1.75 £38.96
    xxx Call   £0.50 £2.25 £32.28
    xxxx Call   £0.25 £2.50 £18.91
    IH8UButler Check        
    • 8
    • 2
    • 7
    xxx Check        
    IH8UButler Check        
    xx Check        
    xx Bet   £1.25 £3.75 £37.71
    xx Call   £1.25 £5.00 £31.03
    xx Fold        
    IH8UButler Call   £1.25 £6.25 £135.74
    xx Fold        
    • 4
    IH8UButler Check        
    xx Check        
    xx Bet   £3.13 £9.38 £27.90
    IH8UButler Call   £3.13 £12.51 £132.61
    xx Call   £3.13 £15.64 £34.58
    • 8
    IH8UButler Check        
    xx Bet   £7.82 £23.46 £26.76
    xx Fold        
    IH8UButler Raise   £39.10 £62.56 £93.51
    xx All-in   £26.76 £89.32 £0.00
    IH8UButler Unmatched bet   £4.52 £84.80 £98.03
    IH8UButler Show
    • J
    • 8
    • 2
    • 8
    xx Show
    • 7
    • 7
    • 2
    • K
    IH8UButler Win Four 8s £83.00   £181.0

    and a few less like this

     xx Small blind   £0.25 £0.25 £83.39
    xx Big blind   £0.50 £0.75 £85.39
      Your hole cards
    • 7
    • 9
    • J
    • J
    xx Fold        
    xx Call   £0.50 £1.25 £59.07
    xx Raise   £2.25 £3.50 £9.03
    IH8UButler Call   £2.25 £5.75 £47.75
    xx Call   £2.00 £7.75 £81.39
    xx Call   £1.75 £9.50 £83.64
    xx Call   £1.75 £11.25 £57.32
    • 10
    • 6
    • J
    xx Check        
    xx Check        
    xx Check        
    xx All-in   £9.03 £20.28 £0.00
    IH8UButler Raise   £38.34 £58.62 £9.41
    xx Raise   £67.65 £126.27 £13.74
    xx Fold        
    xx Fold        
    IH8UButler All-in   £9.41 £135.68 £0.00
    xx Unmatched bet   £19.90 £115.78 £33.64
    xx Show
    • A
    • 2
    • 8
    • 7
    xx Show
    • 5
    • 4
    • 10
    • 6
    IH8UButler Show
    • 7
    • 9
    • J
    • J
    • 3
    • 2
    xx Win Flush to the Ace £113.98   £147.62
    diet fallen off the wagon a bit with birthday cake etc, so need to try harder next week! Off to conference in the week and have school reunion next weekend so not much time for poker but will try and squeeze a few sessions in to keep the prio dream alive. Might be hiting the russian roulettes on 30th I think!
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    edited June 2017
    NH and well played.

    Good luck with the prio push.

    Losing weight and putting serious volume in at the tables can be a bit of a contridiction. Before I ever started playing poker I was around 11-12 stone, now you can add around 6 stone to that... It is possible but takes some serious discipline.
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    edited June 2017
    Small update, combination of too much work and not much sleep (dummy fairy has visited the 3 year old) has sapped my motivation lately. Played a few sessions on tablet to make the SPT free roll, few ups and downs to lose approx £25 net since last update. Missed prio completely with 7k points again this month, roll at £1940. 

    Think I will be abandoning the grind for a few months as just not winning of late, might try again in October time once site is a bit busier. Will prob still play a few sessions and couple of tournies here and there, but next month will just be trying to sat the SPT via the freerolls and maybe the £2 games, hate sats though so not putting pressure on myself, and definitely wont be involved in any sats for cash (or expenses) and likely just buy in on the day, take it as a bit of a punt.  

    Health kick also stalled, hopefully can start getting more than 3-5 hours sleep a night might have some more motivation
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    edited July 2017
    Mini update / brag, after unceremoniously busting the free roll nowhere near the money after doubling early doors, tilt regged a £10 SPT sat, and span that into a 1B Seat. Despite this still not sure if I'm a fan of satellites, was stressful on the bubble even with the chip lead!. Nice to have some run good this week after a pretty rubbish month, saved myself 200 sheets and a days annual leave so cant be bad

    Only question is what to do in July as was planning on grinding the SPT sats as a change from cash, might try a few tourneys to get some practice playing tourneys, and see if I can bink some ££ for my train fare

    Cashed out a monkey and BR sitting at just under £1600, will likely play the £11 level with a few £5's and maybe the odd £33, and see how it goes in terms of winrate and time, as if finishing play really late might have to abandon and come up with a new plan
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    edited July 2017
    Another update - been busy at work and with family stuff so had little time or motivation for grinding the tables. After a nightmare session a couple of weeks ago have been running well at Omaha so had a couple of cash outs and roll sitting at 2k. Been punting a few tourneys with little success think will need some John Hesp style run good to get anywhere in Manchester. 

    Got more time to grind from next month, in view of poor results here recently have moved a chunk of the roll to another site to attempt a rakeback grind on fast fold 50nl. On the face of it seems stupid but idea is I'm looking to break even for some steady profit and build a database of recent hands to do some analysis on my game. Will still be punting some games on sky as well mainly small stakes Omaha and tourneys for fun. Have done the rakeback grind before and can be pretty boring / demotivating especially once a downswing hits so unless by some miracle I can produce a good winrate it's likely will move back to sky full time in the winter - hopefully with better games running and my own game improved a bit! 

    Looking forward to SPT next month don't get out much these days and not played live in months - hopefully see a few of the regs there put some faces to names. Next update next month will post a pic of my SPT trophy lol
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