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should i have c bet this hand

edited June 2017 in Tournament Strategy
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceHarryFleetSmall blind 75.0075.003215.0072off5uitBig blind 150.00225.002100.00 Your hole cardsAQ   moneymeCall 150.00375.007535.00S_M_O_Fold    xxCall 150.00525.005245.00weecheez1Raise 825.001350.006065.00HarryFleetFold    72off5uitFold    moneymeFold    xxCall 675.002025.004570.00Flop  326   xxCheck    weecheez1Check    Turn  5   xxBet 600.002625.003970.00weecheez1Fold    xxMuck    xxWin 2025.00 5995.00xxReturn 600.000.006595.00


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    edited May 2017
    Just read fi33ers thread and that answered it lol
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    edited May 2017
    That preflop size is massive! Cbet flop. But as played, don't fold to the turn bet

    All IMO of course :)
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    edited May 2017
    Yeah preflop size is pretty huge, I'd only be going like 600-650 and probably 500 ish if there had only been 1 limper. I'd be cbetting this flop yeh, you don't need to go huge.
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    edited June 2017
    Agree with Lambert and Angmar.

    I think the larger preflop raise size leaves the pot quite inflated and means that if you were to cbet around 50-60% of the pot the opponent has a nice stack to put you to the test on this particular board texture.

    A preflop raise in the region of 550 would be fine here imo as you have the BTN and are going to therefore have a postflop advantage. The flop bet if it is HU also doesn't need to be huge. I would be cbetting and if I didn't then I wouldn't be folding to this 600 turn bet. It looks weak and stabby, I would need to give myself a firm talking to in order to prevent myself throwing chips at opponents weak turn bet here.

    Thoughts on a preflop jam with 500+ in the pot? (I see pros and cons)
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: should i have c bet this hand:
    Agree with Lambert and Angmar. I think the larger preflop raise size leaves the pot quite inflated and means that if you were to cbet around 50-60% of the pot the opponent has a nice stack to put you to the test on this particular board texture. A preflop raise in the region of 550 would be fine here imo as you have the BTN and are going to therefore have a postflop advantage. The flop bet if it is HU also doesn't need to be huge. I would be cbetting and if I didn't then I wouldn't be folding to this 600 turn bet. It looks weak and stabby, I would need to give myself a firm talking to in order to prevent myself throwing chips at opponents weak turn bet here. Thoughts on a preflop jam with 500+ in the pot? (I see pros and cons)
    Posted by markycash
    thanks marky

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    edited June 2017
    I think your pre flop raise is a little too big, the common preflop raise size at the lower blinds is 3x+1 per limper, so about 750 would be great. As for post flop, checking the flop is fine, when he bets small on the turn, I'd like to call, you have several things going for you. Firstly you're in position, so you get to see what he does on the river, if he has overcards like you, he'd probably check the river. 

    Secondly If you hit you're A or Q you're more than likely to be good and with the small bet sizing you're not too far off getting direct odds with making the call. 

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