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AK Facing re-raise and shove

edited June 2017 in The Poker Clinic
TheBoss91Small blind 20.0020.004595.00
......Big blind 40.0060.007510.00
 Your hole cards
  • K
  • A
......Call 40.00100.005425.00
.....Call 40.00140.004910.00
TheBoss91Raise 180.00320.004415.00
....Raise 320.00640.007190.00
....Call 320.00960.005105.00
...All-in 4910.005870.000.00

Fairly early in the tournament, So i have no reads... I was thinking maybe villain limped with AA or KK, But should this be a fold or call?


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    edited June 2017
    Would be easier to read if you hadn't renamed every player pretty much the same thing lol, but yeah I think it's a fold. He's gonna have a pair a lottttt and there's no need to go flipping for 100+ BB right at the start of an MTT.

    The chips you win are worth less than the chips you lose. If you lose this hand, your EV in the comp drops to 0, if we double up, your EV in the comp won't even close to double.
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: AK Facing re-raise and shove:
    Would be easier to read if you hadn't renamed every player pretty much the same thing lol, but yeah I think it's a fold. He's gonna have a pair a lottttt and there's no need to go flipping for 100+ BB right at the start of an MTT. The chips you win are worth less than the chips you lose. If you lose this hand, your EV in the comp drops to 0, if we double up, your EV in the comp won't even close to double.
    Posted by Lambert180

    Sorry im new to posting hands just thought you blank the names out lool, Anyway i ended up folding the other villain called, One had A10 other had JQ.
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    edited June 2017
    its good advice from Lambert there. It was a  weak hand to be rr shoving with on that occasion, more like the spin up tables I play. you made the right play, typical that they were both super weak that time ;) right play though thats what counts.
    good luck 
    You got further than me posting hand histories, i cant get them to come up!
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    edited June 2017
    Clear fold readless imo
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