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awkward situation in dym

edited June 2017 in Sit & Go Strategy
PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalancexxSmall blind 150.00150.001995.00weecheez1Big blind 300.00450.001260.00 Your hole cards105   ubeenpwnedFold    Brayer1972Fold    xxCall 150.00600.001845.00weecheez1Check    Flop  7K10   xxCheck    weecheez1Check    Turn  5   xxCheck    weecheez1Bet 300.00900.00960.00xxCall 300.001200.001545.00River  6   xxAll-in 1545.002745.000.00weecheez1Fold    xxMuck    xxWin 1200.00 1200.00xxReturn 1545.000.002745.00


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    edited June 2017
    the above hand was from a dym from today and the reason i found it hard was UTG only had one bb left. i put the gent on AA and after him calling my min bet the alarm bells went off i thought i was in front but couldnt pull the trigger as it happens i beat UTG the next hand thoughts please
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    edited June 2017
    Is this a turbo or regular?
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: awkward situation in dym:
    Is this a turbo or regular?
    Posted by mayd_dawg
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    edited June 2017
    I think it's a fold, just given that UTG will be all in next hand (I presume this was the bubble?) either way, weird move from villain unless he's insanely nutted given the shortie to come
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: awkward situation in dym:
    I think it's a fold, just given that UTG will be all in next hand (I presume this was the bubble?) either way, weird move from villain unless he's insanely nutted given the shortie to come
    Posted by mayd_dawg
    Agree I was going to call out of stubbornness but thought better of it I got lucky against the shorty on the next hand I think even the 300 I put in was a mistake 
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    edited June 2017
    I think he only really calls that bet with a king (kicker range depending on player) or a good flush draw because the board is reasonably dry and you're repping an FD, two pair or maybe a set of 5s
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: awkward situation in dym:
    the above hand was from a dym from today and the reason i found it hard was UTG only had one bb left. i put the gent on AA and after him calling my min bet the alarm bells went off i thought i was in front but couldnt pull the trigger as it happens i beat UTG the next hand thoughts please
    Posted by weecheez1

    How can you put someone on such a specific hand? Surely his range is a lot wider than just one hand.
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    edited June 2017
    In Response to Re: awkward situation in dym:
    In Response to Re: awkward situation in dym : How can you put someone on such a specific hand? Surely his range is a lot wider than just one hand.
    Posted by MattBates
    Hi matt I put him on it because of the stack sizes I didn't think he would put most of his stack at risk when all he had to do was sit and wait for the shorty to be eliminated I might of been wrong
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    edited June 2017
    Hi Cheez,

    Couple of things;

    If he is holding aces and limps with a 1bb shortie then take a note as he is the worst DYM player the World..... 

    As played, if you want to control pot and not prepared to get it in (which you probably shouldn't be), then dont raise, just check it down. 

    Some players just cannot stand not playing when they have a blind invested.
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    edited June 2017
    Thanks hendrik on reflection the 300 bet was bad play and  probably led to his raise 
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    edited June 2017
    In a regular SNG or MTT I am snapping all day long and 10 times on Sundays with these stack sizes. Opponents turn flat calling range is littered with draw combos that missed and has only a few that hit anything.

    As it is a DYM and there is a shorty all in next hand I guess it is a fold. I think Hendrik makes a good point about not betting the turn if you don't want to get a load of chips in. In which case you may get a check or weak steal attempt on the river which you can snap off.
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