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interesting hand from 110 bh

edited June 2017 in The Poker Clinic
Been a while thought il put this one up hand from 110 bh on tues i was unsure of correct play on turn villain is a v gd agro reg 

Hand History #1170476031 (22:55 06/06/2017)PlayerActionCardsAmountPotBalanceAlvarez24Small blind 150.00150.005000.00Mather14Big blind 300.00450.0011255.00 Your hole cardsJQ   diaper10Fold    rspca12Raise 600.001050.0019450.00BrayCorp83Call 600.001650.0016742.50xxxxxxCall 600.002250.0034614.25Alvarez24Fold    Mather14Fold    Flop  J85   rspca12Bet 1200.003450.0018250.00BrayCorp83Fold    xxxxRaise 3300.006750.0031314.25rspca12Call 2100.008850.0016150.00Turn  9   rspca12Check    xxxxxBet 4800.0013650.0026514.25      


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    edited June 2017
    In Response to interesting hand from 110 bh:
    Been a while thought il put this one up hand from 110 bh on tues i was unsure of correct play on turn villain is a v gd agro reg  Hand History #1170476031 (22:55 06/06/2017) Player Action Cards Amount Pot Balance Alvarez24 Small blind   150.00 150.00 5000.00 Mather14 Big blind   300.00 450.00 11255.00   Your hole cards J Q       diaper10 Fold         rspca12 Raise   600.00 1050.00 19450.00 BrayCorp83 Call   600.00 1650.00 16742.50 xxxxxx Call   600.00 2250.00 34614.25 Alvarez24 Fold         Mather14 Fold         Flop     J 8 5       rspca12 Bet   1200.00 3450.00 18250.00 BrayCorp83 Fold         xxxx Raise   3300.00 6750.00 31314.25 rspca12 Call   2100.00 8850.00 16150.00 Turn     9       rspca12 Check         xxxxx Bet   4800.00 13650.00 26514.25            
    Posted by rspca12
    Hi rspca not sure about the hand but can you post how you done the layout for your post I have to do two posts one with the hand and one with comments 
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    edited June 2017
    How much did you and opponent have left behind after he bet turn?
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    edited June 2017
    I think vills limping range gets there, 88,55 or sooted gappers draws that got  c/r  . Fold.
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    edited June 2017
    Can't see stack sizes so couldn't say. 
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    edited June 2017
    Stacks important

    What's plan when you flat flop?

    As played I would fold turn, draws got there and you look strong when you lead flop 3 way.  I'd consider folding flop v some villains
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    edited June 2017
    Not sure how we could ever fold turn after our backdoor straight flush draw comes in?

    I was assuming it was a question of whether we call or raise?

    Assuming opponent will have a pot size river bet left and is the effective stack I'd personally call turn and check all rivers, although having thought about it over last couple days shoving diamond rivers seems like it might allow us a bit more flexibility in future similar situations? 

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    edited June 2017
    Stack sizes, going by the quote from the 2nd post, it looks like rspca12 has 16,150 behind after the flop, xxxx has 26,514.25 after the 4.8k turn bet.

    A shove would be 11,350 more for xxxx, 43% of their stack.
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